First Grow 360watts-3 plants


Hey, First grow here. Ive got a 125w CFL daylight bulb and 9 CFL 26w that put out 2700. I vegged the fist one for a week and the other to for 2 weeks. Now they are under 12/12. The reason i switched so early is cause im growin in my closet and dont want these puppies to get too tall. they are all at day 24 right now from sprout. the bigger one is the one i put into 12/12 first(and just tied it down today). i Just bought the B.C. Nutrients Recipe for success started kit so we'll see how this works.



Lots of new growth since i put in 6 more CFLs. They are at day 26 right now. i just planted two trainwreck seeds and ill plant a Master Jedi Kush when im done here. The two i planted today are in Happy Frog Soil. My other 3 are in miracle grow seed started and perlite. The biggest one is LSTed. I only vegged that one for a week and the other two for two weeks.


Active Member
cool i love seeing other michigan grows. cfl besides. cool. anyway do you have any issues with high humidity where you're at? i do... nice looking plants. if your just learning like me i suggests hitting up some of the more vetran members of the site and reading their threads. Uncle Ben and friends got some really good info and they have referances to back it up. good luck


Whats up Bert. Yeah i dont even know what my humidity is but everything seems to be doing fine. And yeah i know what your talkin about. i spend about 2 hours a day on here.


Active Member
Do u have any pics of ur setup from a little further back? Ya I read all 100pages of uncle bens tweaks and pointers. Mj is just a plant. Try to keep that in mind. Any nutes besides what's in the soil.


Well i bought it in a starter kit that came with BC Grow, BC Boost, BC Bloom, Awesome Blossom, Sugar Daddy, Root 66, MagiCal And Thrive alive red/green. All with a different NPK. And ill post some more picks of my setup when i update again on sunday.


Other two showed female today. 3 for 3 isnt bad for bag seeds if you ask me. The biggest one has been flowering for a week now and doin pretty good.


Active Member
Lol. your setup looks just like one of my old ones. I duct taped cardboard inbetween the closet door and the wall just like that. It got too hot in there though. What are your temps at?
Plants look good though :D. Check out my grow, im about a week behind you.


Active Member
man you might wanna switch your looks like your using warm white bulbs. the cool white puts out more light and is closer to day light


The Fattest one has been flowering for 22 days. So im guessing maybe a month or so left. The other two have been flowering for about two weeks. And the littles sprouted about two weeks ago.