First Grow! 400W HPS/440W T5 Combo: Purple Kush & Dream Star 6 Plants Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
This is a really nice grow m8, for a first grow its outstanding .. :)

you have those plants nicely packed in there making good use of the space and light
not that you need advise, your plants are great, maybe next time try removing some of those leaves, they are not needed and block other buds from other plants and themselves when they are grown close together like that , especially the dead yellow ones

peace :)


Active Member
do that mate and then flush in four days pal and do that every 2-3 days mate until chopp but before chopp turn the lights out for 2 days mate to enhance resin levels mate just a option for ya think about mate

kev, thanks for your advice! I just gave them the last supper with lots of molasses, Cha Ching, on top of other regular mix, including the local hot springs water. I think I just saw a few light amber trichomes on sweet leaves for the first time. I'd say more than 1/3 of pistols are red or receded. Leaves are still pretty green. I've read about the dark period method, too. I'll do that. I thought PK was going to take extra 1-2 weeks, but looks like Dream Star is maturing about the same speed. I'd like sativa to have the "sativa high" and indica to be heavy-side, so I'll lok at them closely from now on and decide exactly when to chop chop. Do you remember your first harvest? I can hardly contain my excitement....


Active Member
This is a really nice grow m8, for a first grow its outstanding .. :)

you have those plants nicely packed in there making good use of the space and light
not that you need advise, your plants are great, maybe next time try removing some of those leaves, they are not needed and block other buds from other plants and themselves when they are grown close together like that , especially the dead yellow ones

peace :)

Thanks for noticing, skunk! That is my point! I have a small bedroom and I could only use 2'x4' grow tent, so I wanted to see how densely and efficiently pack that thing with the greens. I think this 4' T5s worked great on top of 400W HPS. I rotated all the pots in every possible way every day so that all the sides of pot get lights evenly, too. BUT, it was so much work... I think for the next time, I will have a fewer plants and make it more like a scrog, so that I don't have to move them like that every day. Either way, good results require lots of care and lots of love, right?

And thanks for your input on removing the leaves. I just saw your grow. I trimmed lower fan leaves and small unproductive-loking branches heavily at 3 weeks into flowering, then again at week 6. I didn't take off too much for the second time because after I did it first time, I looked at the bag of leaves and branches and I was like "Holy shit... Did I take off too much?" I was a little horrified and it seemed like their bud production went into a halt for a few days from the shock. After that, I was taking off those lime green fan leaves near the bottom and the half dead ones just whenever I noticed.


Active Member
I remember mine! Just don't do what I did and smoke half before it's cured haha!
LOL! I did smoke those popcorn buds that I had to trim off a week ago. I dried in a day or two, smoked it, and it tasted like hay! I gave me nice head buzz, but because of the taste of it, I swore to learn how to dry and cure perfectly. Otherwise, all my 2.5 months of intensive labor will be totally wasted! God, I can't wait!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL! I did smoke those popcorn buds that I had to trim off a week ago. I dried in a day or two, smoked it, and it tasted like hay! I gave me nice head buzz, but because of the taste of it, I swore to learn how to dry and cure perfectly. Otherwise, all my 2.5 months of intensive labor will be totally wasted! God, I can't wait!!!
Sounds good dude!


I have been reading this from page 1 just now, talking about a GREEN THUMB!!! Wow, they are the best looking buds I have seen on here so far. Just trying to absorb as much information as I can, at the moment I am stuck on the topics of CO2, Nutrients, fans and reflectors. Why do some people make CO2 for the plants (they have the bottles of yeast with tubes coming out), is it necessary? What nutrients do you put in at each cycle and how to know which ones are needed? Are fans completely needed in the tent? For the lights, I would probably use 400w HPS lamps, do you need to use a reflector with them? Also do you have a carbon filter?

Appreciate your expertise!


Active Member
I have been reading this from page 1 just now, talking about a GREEN THUMB!!! Wow, they are the best looking buds I have seen on here so far. Just trying to absorb as much information as I can, at the moment I am stuck on the topics of CO2, Nutrients, fans and reflectors. Why do some people make CO2 for the plants (they have the bottles of yeast with tubes coming out), is it necessary? What nutrients do you put in at each cycle and how to know which ones are needed? Are fans completely needed in the tent? For the lights, I would probably use 400w HPS lamps, do you need to use a reflector with them? Also do you have a carbon filter?

Appreciate your expertise!
Hey, icehead, thanks for your compliments! I'm no expert, but I can tell you what I think.

Why do some people make CO2 for the plants (they have the bottles of yeast with tubes coming out), is it necessary?
CO2 is equivalent to carbs that we eat, like rice and bread, but unlike humans, they can just take what they need from the air naturally. Now you can force-feed the plants with the extra CO2 artificially added into the air. Like people getting fat from eating too much carb, they can grow at faster rate, of course if proportionally bigger amount of N P K (like meat and protein for human), and other trace elements (like vitamins), and more light are added to their diet. NOW, question is IF it's sufficient to provide noticeable difference in the growth rate with the fermenting sugar water... I think there so many variables to consider - the volume of the grow tent/closet/room, exhaust, amount of sugar in the water, temperature, etc... I thought about doing it, but I decided to stick with basic for my first grow. There is no need to make it more complicated than it is especially if it's my first. It's like performance enhancing drugs. If you are a novice, no matter how much testosterone you inject into your butt, you are not going to be able to beat Mike Tyson. I think it's something you want to do later to refine your grow once you almost perfect it.

What nutrients do you put in at each cycle and how to know which ones are needed?
Hope you did lots of reading on that one already, a balanced NPK nutes with slight lean on N for veg and more P and K for flowering. You WILL run into some deficiency and overnutes. But, by paying close attention to the looks and the feel of the plants all the time, you can correct it if it's early enough to catch. Like if they look more like lime green near the tip than nice dark green during veg, you might want to bump up more N. If you see brown tip and weird curls and curves in the leaves, you may have overnuted them.

Are fans completely needed in the tent?
Yes, for both exhaust and air movement. You need exhaust, because it's going to get hot in there. You need movement in the air because it creates micro-tears in the stalk and leaves, which makes them repair the tissue, thus stronger body. And no air movement means mold and pests. No good.

For the lights, I would probably use 400w HPS lamps, do you need to use a reflector with them? Also do you have a carbon filter?
So you want to make the system as efficient as possible to save costs, right? When you use a good reflector, you can divert some of the light back to the plants. I don't think my CoolTube is well designed to do that efficiently. I can tell there is a super bright spots in the middle and it does not spread the light evenly. Do some research and don't skimp on the reflector, I'd say. Glad I kept the 8 T5. I think those plants get enough red spectrums from HPS with supplemental blue spectrums from another 400+ watts T5s. I expected much more stretch, but they ended up super stocky and dense. I think it's because the blue light kept the internodes shorter. I've read somewhere that mixed spectrum yields better results, too. But then how about LED?? They are single wavelength light source.... Too many options and discussions, too little time...

Also do you have a carbon filter?
YES! You can get away with that during the veg and maaaybe a week or two into flowering, but the smell will all the sudden scare the shit out of you. When you have air-cooled HPS system, you have two options of ducting system. You can either take the air directly from outside of your grow area (I think this is an ideal way, but you will need one more fan for exhaust!) or like I did, you can attach the carbon filter and take the air from inside the tent through the filter, then - inline fan - CoolTube - and outside. You can save the money this way by not having to pay for another inline fan and the running cost, BUT I think problem is that since I must run it 24/7, I am shortening the life of carbon filter to the max... If you have independent exhaust system, you can set the timer to on/off or even with thermostat.

Hope this answers to some of your questions. (Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker, so ask me if you need clarifications...)



Active Member
Because of the input by fellow riu-ers, I decided to give them one last meal before flushing/harvesting. They look extra happy and fat.

After dinner group shot

Happy growing!



Thanks so much for your informative answers, they helped a lot. WOW your yield looks so good, I wish I could smoke with you.


Active Member
The each bud looks pretty big in those pictures, but they aren't that huge at all. I'll put something else next to it and take a picture next time.

kevin murphy

New Member
yea mate chopping 64 plants on my first harvest it was long but worth every hour pal..loved it...still love it like the first though lol..
kev, thanks for your advice! I just gave them the last supper with lots of molasses, Cha Ching, on top of other regular mix, including the local hot springs water. I think I just saw a few light amber trichomes on sweet leaves for the first time. I'd say more than 1/3 of pistols are red or receded. Leaves are still pretty green. I've read about the dark period method, too. I'll do that. I thought PK was going to take extra 1-2 weeks, but looks like Dream Star is maturing about the same speed. I'd like sativa to have the "sativa high" and indica to be heavy-side, so I'll lok at them closely from now on and decide exactly when to chop chop. Do you remember your first harvest? I can hardly contain my excitement....


Active Member
Which strain gives the biggest buds?
For each bud, I'd say PK gives MUCH denser and thicker bud, but there are only a few to half dozen colas in each pot, so not sure how it's going to come out. PK buds also does not look impressive in size from top, but really fat under the fan leaves. Both beautiful plants. They hardly stretched after 12/12 at all.


Active Member
They really liked the last heavy dose of nutes from yesterday. I didn't see them overnight, but when I came home, they are again sprouting new pistols from all over the buds and they are fatter. I did see amber-ish trichomes for the first time on the ridges of sweet leaves. Just a few, though. Absolutely no amber on the buds themselves. I'm getting nervous!!!

Has anyone used Cha Ching (NPK: 9-50-10) from FF? You are supposed to be able to use it right up to harvest without flushing or leaving the chemical taste. Should I give a try? I do think they may be a little too green for plants near harvest. How about just giving them Cha Ching and molasses from now on, instead of the pure water?? Just a thought...

The average bud of Dream Star is about this size. They aren't that big, but very uniformly shaped and LOTS of them!

Purple Kush

You see the amber?



Well-Known Member
Looking good Japonicus, as far as the Cha Ching I wouldn't use it unless you give it to them now and do another flush. I have used it but personally I like Kool Bloom the dry pink powder instead of cha-ching though. Seeing how far you are now I'd say no on it, but it's your call. :-)


Active Member
Finally week 8! PK had signs of nute burn in one of the three plants, so I gave them all emergency flush. PK's pistols production is slowing down faster than sativa's. Chop chop within a week? Dream Star is still going strong though, so I topped them off with Cha Ching. They have absolutely no amber trichomes on either buds. Some are starting milky.
