first grow 400w


Active Member
Hey everyone, this is my first time growing marijuana and it is more of a test to learn some key elements to growing plants.

I started the plants out on a 18-6 lighting sched. 1 plant has sprouted out of the soil with 3 others already germ'd and planted.

The soil I am currently using is miracle grow potting soil, mixed with miracle grow perlite.

I am using a 400w HPS/MH conversion ballast. It generates a lot of heat so im going to drill some holes in my walls soon to create more air flow.

Grow Room:
I have this set up in my bedroom closet. It tends to generate a lot of heat in the closet but i try to circulate as much as air as possible by opening up the door a few times if im home.

Air Circulation:
I have a large fan in there that is pointed at a spot on the wall so it blows over the plants but not with a ton of force.

I'll post some pictures soon of the setup and my first little girl(hopefully).


Active Member
actually im ready to post pics and have already escaped that problem after it killing two and stressing 1. 1 other beautiful baby (girl)


Active Member
adding pics of setup and progress its sort of a jumble but ill link you to the pb i made for the pics.

and its all jumbly of my PROGRESS but message me for more pics info etc.


Well-Known Member
Hey pmb216. I have a 400watt HPS/ MH conversion on the way from HTG supply. How big is your closet, and exzactly how did you deal with heat? I've been told 400watts get hot, while others say it will be fine. So which is it? lol I'm interested in following your grow all the way up till harvest. I 'm running 4 T12 shop lights, and excited to realy get some good yields by switching to the 400watt. Please post some pics at a month old. Thanx man.


Active Member
and on weeds they did it haha! but im about to post pics of them and i guess they are about a month old now. i rushed the cycles due to rush of time.


In my 3x3 closet with 400 hps and a 30 dollar dual 9 inch fan 9 ( don't know how many cfm's) . Closet stays 5 degrees warmer than house.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
=pmb216;2746309]these are all at about a month
They're doing well considdering the high temperatures. As long as you can keep it under 90 (preferably under 86) degrees they'll do alright.

Someone asked about pee as fertilizer, and that does work (has to be diluted 5/1 with water), but they're getting plenty of nutes.

The little brown patches on the leaves are typical miracle burn. I would just keep giving them strait water for now.

They look like they're almost ready to bloom.

Is that bag seed, because it looks a little like NYC diesel?


Active Member
Ive kept the temps below 80 for the past week they are about to bloom and i cant wait :) im guessing theyre both female?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Ive kept the temps below 80 for the past week they are about to bloom and i cant wait :) im guessing theyre both female?
They look like stocky bitches to me, but you won't know for sure until they flower.

Have you thought about topping them? It would make em branch out more, and you have plenty of space for bushes.

I would top them, and then flower, a week to 10 days later.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
can you specify what topping is? im not familiar...
Topping it pruning the top growing tip, and that forces the plant to branch out.

400w light is a lot for only 2 plants - unless they're bushy.

Do you plan on transplanting into larger containers? If not I would just go ahead and flower, before they get pot bound (too big for their containers)

Nice results for a basic closet grow


Active Member
im adding pictures in a bit. ones showing signs of sex i think its female but im not sure. WELL SEE!