first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

I'm already dead....did you see my Avatar!

Better one next time bro....should have say live lime.... lmao
Ok i think i know who this is
just like i suspected
is that all u got thats shit is weak as fuck but then again so are you
i got to run but will check later to see if u want more people dead
and why dont u quit being a troll and do something i didnt die by u saying that and doubt lime will either although im sure he would like to make you die as would others

Die lime.. . . . .... .
This thread was always open!

but i think i know what you are trying to do here ...and it wont work! We are allot more mature than you ...Obviously, you have nothing but childish comments here at least think of something better than this?
well if smoking makes you talk like this ...then i suggest Quitting!!!

What is it you are smoking??? lol
Haha hey guy damn I keep missing everything what's up? and you reopen this thread raw laughable it was dead till my buddies here jumped on now its just keeps going they are the ones to thank!