first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

Lime lets not go thru this again. I dont want to ruin our friendship again and force us through this horrible coping session and after all your hard work im now back in your life. dont ruin it.
Haha my buddies are awesome they know I can keep up with such ignorance while at work glad I have them...and btw raw your previous post about getting rid of all my friends...or.... Now what exactly does that or imply...don't worry ill wait *listens intently*
Lime lets not go thru this again. I dont want to ruin our friendship again and force us through this horrible coping session and after all your hard work im now back in your life. dont ruin it.

I don't even know you or want to your are messed in the head man!
Haha my buddies are awesome they know I can keep up with such ignorance while at work glad I have them...and btw raw your previous post about getting rid of all my friends...or.... Now what exactly does that or imply...don't worry ill wait *listens intently*

he is a boy...he will not answer cuz he don't understand human language... you will see
Haha my buddies are awesome they know I can keep up with such ignorance while at work glad I have them...and btw raw your previous post about getting rid of all my friends...or.... Now what exactly does that or imply...don't worry ill wait *listens intently*

well I would never hurt any of your friends rene as you know :) i was just planning on locking them in an old grow room of mine while we have time to harvest with one another
well I would never hurt any of your friends rene as you know :) i was just planning on locking them in an old grow room of mine while we have time to harvest with one another

that was a good one...why dont you answer her question? loser she asked and now you are in maybe aliens do exist? lol
Okay wait....timeout....this was a grow journal at one time correct??? And yeah I get it, the grows loooong past over...but wth???? Seriously, how many childish bull$!#+ post for "fun" is there. Do you guys really have nothing better to do then to act like this "gay/homo/flamer" war is funny??? Damn it all, and here Rene asks me to come over to here and striaghten shit out.....get it back on track. If any of you think your childish games are hilarious.....go and try saying what you said to a mirror.

C'mon guys, wth is this now, "days of our lives" geez......what's a good topic that comes to mind???


Peace, love, rock'n'roll
