Weed Modifier
hell yeah man... I'm down with oils. I had an overabundance of shwag at one point and made some oil with 2ozs... MUCH better than the product it came from.
Exactly...crappy weed can become something new!!!
After learning to do this I bragged a bit about how i can make some killer oil and he called me on it so......i said fine i'll make some but it might give you a headache it is so strong!!! hahahah
so he said ok.....well i had an idea....take the powder from bottom(some have this with a screen) of grinder and make some killer oil! So good smoke condensed into oil??? wtf sound crazy! and it so when i made it i said come on over! Got everything ready and decided to go with hot-blades over the stove.
Well he took a big one... and just as he was ex-hailing he passed out!!! we caught him and layed him on the floor! Fuck i thought i killed him??? he woke up after a few smacks...hehe....and wow that was the first i ever seen!!! Knocked the fuck out!!!! hahahahahah that was too much??? but a good story? he was young and thought he could handle it...well i guess I was right!!! lmao