first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

Sorry to hear Reggae >.< my girl was less than a year :( I called the pound but no.. I think some1 took her. hope you get your dog back. and Yea fab ima have to use a heating pad for sure this nxt round.
cam u see dog cages at pound from outside i would try to see if u see him or call his name
at least if he is there u knows u r looking for him and see if they have a emergancy number
someone will be coming there to feed em

QUOTE=reggaerican;4947472]lol rene that must suck when fab comes over...

speaking of fab yea man im stressed, and the worst thing is i cant even go to the pound to see if anyone turned him in until probably monday cause of the holiday...[/QUOTE]
thanks raw...

and fab no the cages are way in the back... the thing is this, he has gotten out twice in the past and both times the people that found him said right to my face that they intended to keep him.. i only got him back because when i passed out flyers a nieghbor of these busters called me... he is a great looking dog and has an even better temperament...
man i hate fuckers like that well do the flyers with a reward if the pound doesnt have him and go right now and see if those same fuckers have him then report they stole it
no hes a big teddybear he loves all people.. thats why they wanted to keep him...
get this these fuckers that had him last time actually got rid of there dog of three years just so that they could keep mine... now that is some fucking nerve right there..
not a word would be spoken if i saw someone walking with my dog, i would walk up and knock the fucker out plain and simple.. and thats the peaceful side of me speaking...
hey u better go check them out u got a friend that can go there and ask for josh simspon and see if they have a dog there

no hes a big teddybear he loves all people.. thats why they wanted to keep him...
get this these fuckers that had him last time actually got rid of there dog of three years just so that they could keep mine... now that is some fucking nerve right there..
Reggae wish I could help in some way..I do know a few people down in your area can try to put the words out shit I'd even put up the reward myself ! Life isn't they same without your buddy and well I always have a girl that needs a good new home :)
that was sweet and i will chip in on reward and im sure a few others would

Reggae wish I could help in some way..I do know a few people down in your area can try to put the words out shit I'd even put up the reward myself ! Life isn't they same without your buddy and well I always have a girl that needs a good new home :)
Reggae my friend, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. :-( I'm sending you positive energy in hopes that you find him/her.:mrgreen:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!:weed: