first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

Funnest :D my sisters husband got my onto them. His is :) beautiful. hes friends with Travis barker that drummer guy, hes sold him a couple cars. that was before he moved out of corona a few years ago tho. But yea their Fun :) got airbags so just ride around going Up and Down bouncy
only thing is when this next car is done. >.< Ill have to watch myself, wont be smoking as much. Cause its 100% chance you'll be pulled over in 1 of these here in cali.. gotta drive legit.
Lol yeah man I have a buddy sounds like you would get along with I am going to see if I can get him to send me some sick pics of his mini trucks :D
you should try one.. It says YOU CAN TAKE WITH ALCOHOL =/ so it cant be that heavy duty of a drug. comes in 20mg. :) you wont feel anything.. .it'll just be almost impossible to be upset over anything

then i could have used some last night

prozac has a load time of 2wks.... meaning that just eating one randomly is kinda pointless, except for after an mdma experience to reduce mdma's suspected neuro-toxicity, but I dont think that is proven....
that is true as do most psychotropic medication

prozac has a load time of 2wks.... meaning that just eating one randomly is kinda pointless, except for after an mdma experience to reduce mdma's suspected neuro-toxicity, but I dont think that is proven....
not that it's on topic at all, but at work last night I had to pick 4 crates of Fab detergent and I thought of you and had a chuckle.... Thanks for helping my worknight :)
So I have a funny story for you all and why we shouldn't most of my riu buddies know I ask everyone to see pics of them so I can put a face to who I'm chatting with but you never know for sure if they are sending their pic or one they google this guy I was talking to kept making up excuses as to why he couldn't provide any but one day started sending pic like crazy this was odd to me so I did some searching nothing he said checked out and he even tried to claim music as I knew that face in the pics looked familiar so last night I was on you tube looking for a song and what pops up a cover version by jack johnson and a few of the pics the guy had sent lmao was funny like he didn't think I'd figure that out! There is more to the story but feel this I a long enough post but lmao internet if full of con artists and yall wonder why I want to leave riu every 2 seconds...I wonder if I can track his email :D
Ok so back to fabs question the sick girl has perked up! The rapid yellowing had stopped since the flush and she is looking much better now yay!!! So now I just curious as to what my next move with her should be what do yall think I didn't foiler feed just let her be see how she did so any suggestions was still thinking about reveg and making a monster but idk this isn't a problem its an idea emergency! Haha let's see if anyone knows that reference as well
cool you met jack johnson here i didnt know he grew weed

So I have a funny story for you all and why we shouldn't most of my riu buddies know I ask everyone to see pics of them so I can put a face to who I'm chatting with but you never know for sure if they are sending their pic or one they google this guy I was talking to kept making up excuses as to why he couldn't provide any but one day started sending pic like crazy this was odd to me so I did some searching nothing he said checked out and he even tried to claim music as I knew that face in the pics looked familiar so last night I was on you tube looking for a song and what pops up a cover version by jack johnson and a few of the pics the guy had sent lmao was funny like he didn't think I'd figure that out! There is more to the story but feel this I a long enough post but lmao internet if full of con artists and yall wonder why I want to leave riu every 2 seconds...I wonder if I can track his email :D
cool you met jack johnson here i didnt know he grew weed

Lmao yeah I didn't either funniest part recently he got ahold of me and sent some more pics I said you know I still have the old pics you sent and funny they don't match haven't heard from him since interesting right can you say busted..:D