first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

Hey gibbs not nice ex was 25 when I got with him

u were 18 then? thats 7 years! my gf still isnt even out of highschool (just a year behind) to me thats praying on innocents lol.. when he was 21 she was 14, when he was 14 she was 7.. it just seems wrong.
Gibbs its not the age that matters its the way you act but yeah seems your girl is way beyond that dick lol

i can understand that but not this "thug life" guy.. like he walks around and still posts up tags c'mon man lol.. and not when shes 18, 2 years is a big difference at 20.. u learn alot in such little time i know i sure have. and 45 fab, i say thats gangster lmao im going to b like that when im older, but not at 25 LOL
well did this bitch know she was with u and if he did and disrespects that hit that bitch with a bottle

lol ya man ive beat up a 40 year old before, but he was a tool and deserved it let alone started it, couldnt even spell in his statement, charges were dropped.
well did this bitch know she was with u and if he did and disrespects that hit that bitch with a bottle

ya he knew we were together, this is what he txts my gf after.. "sorry i didnt know u guys were that close, i was just asking u to the movies cuz i dono n e one in town" but this is what pisses me off even more cuz he fucking KNEW we were together and clearly wants to take ONLY HER to the movie lol.. so it makes me look like the bad guy, its all good now my gf knows how i feel about it, im not a controlling person just some shit really gets to me sometimes, im really over protective of her cuz she was raped when she was younger by 2 guys.. either way im still pissed with the guy, hes a douche, he disrespected me, we were brot over to a friends to just chill and drink and meet they're friends and this is what i get after being so friendly. theres more to it then it sounds on his part
well let her know how you feel brother
and let her know this is not acceptable
but if she let him know this then it all gravy bro
Ughh.. I am going crazy not having a digital cam or my phone. its like having a new born and not being able to record any of it !
howdy folks, going nitenite over here.... had a rather long one at work tonight.
So I see you tied one on Fab? no wonder you're not on yet :D