Thanks fab this is kloe she has nute burnI was tired and read it wrong! One is when she started reverting from 12/12 as she was 12/12 from seed and the other is her now...I have big plans for this one
HOLLY CRAP!!! i missed a bit??? wow...looks like the crew is still around how is everyone?
where the fuck u been i told rene u would be late as usual but at least u showed up for rene's hissy fit lmao
where the fuck u been i told rene u would be late as usual but at least u showed up for rene's hissy fit lmao
Lmao hey now you better watch it I said I was just saying not worried ya know there is a world outside the internetand I'm happy with it just thought I'd let you all see too!
im not on ?
haha just popped in to say hi but looks like Grizz is out watchout!!! ha
kloe is going to be a monster plant!!! i love it ....
Haha yeah grizz is out what can I say feeling a bit feisty tonight I supposeand yeah well kloe will be great and maria since you helped me with them..
watch what
Shit bro, I wish I would've known that. I just sold one of my old POS cameras a few months ago. You can get a nice point and shoot for around $200. Maybe even less if you find a good deal. I would definitely get a brand name one though. I'm partial to Nikon gear myself, but Canon, Sony, even Kodak and Fuji make a decent digital camera. The more megapixels, the sharper pics you'll get (in general). Look for one that has a macro feature (for close ups of trichs and such). You also should consider getting one with a decent optical zoom. For example, the higher the number, the more powerful the optical zoom will be, ie. a 24X optical zoom will be more powerful than a 12X optical zoom. You can also get a digital camera that doubles as a camcorder! There are all kinds of bells and whistles you can get on a point and shoot. I pointed out a few of the important features to look for. If you have any other questions or don't understand something, don't hesitate to ask.well, we're looking to buy a camera that is a basic point/shoot for novices, just to have to take pics of the kids and such.... but also something that will do some detail shots... ie, trichs and such.... hell, if you've got something that fits the bill you wanna part with, shoot me a pm with details/price and such. That would beat the hell out of a random ass ebay purchase anyday for me.
hey girl how them baby plants doing
Hey fab they are doing great! But ya should pop by the new thread I finally got the rest the family introduced.
ok cant wait to meet them
Sweet I like them this round I'm just loving hh
Thanks fab they are thirsty I'm gonna fix that though![]()