i dont care what you think you said, the fact remains that you were throwing a number around, giving people false information with no factual backing. again, i will reiterate, 30% is a VERY VERY substantial gain in yields, and if that could be achieved with 2 dollars worth of sugar syrup, then that would be the silver bullet to any and all growers nutrient line up. but that is not the case.
dude, the more you keep talking the fucking dumber you look. you think spending lets say, 1500 bones is a bad investment to gain 30%? i dont understand you when you say "spend thousands and make hundreds". theres two problems with what you said there...1) how the fuck do you know how many plants im growing? what if i have 500? i think i would be making more then a few hundred right there with a 30% increase. 2) even if i only had 4 plants, and i wasnt going to make all my money back the first go around, there is still many years of growing i can do with that "horrible investment" and im pretty sure i would make my money back ten-fold. in fact, growing pot indoors is the same exact way. are you going to tell someone who is buying thousands of dollars worth of lighting, seeds, ventilation, hydro-tables, and all that jazz that he is an "idiot" because "he is spending thousands to make a few hundred"???? economics 101 buddy, growing pot, just like co2, is what you would call a "long term investment".
dude. just because you read something in a book, doesnt mean it is a fact of life. so you read in a book that you will get a 300% increase (there you go again with throwing around numbers) with co2? and you believed it!?!?! that just proves to me more then ever that you certainly are a sheep. did you read from the same book that you can get a 30% increase with syrup too? if you dont question things like that then you really are something else...news flash buddy-anyone can write a book about anything. it doesnt make it true.
i know for a fact that you cant yield anything close to 300% with co2. that would turn 2 ounces into 6 ounces, and that just aint happening. here, this is the first website i found doing a simple google search (co2 for plant yields)
link. it gives the % of yield increases for many different crops, including tomatoes, at 29% (which is the plant that is most closely related to marijuana).
here, this is from another site (
link) using those same search terms.
[SIZE=-0]"Greenhouse-grown vegetables, including
tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce, show earlier maturity, larger fruit size, greater numbers of fruit, a reduction in cropping time, and yield increases ranging from 10 to 70 percent,
averaging 20 to 50 percent."[/SIZE]
go ahead, actually do some independent research and you will see that YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG. have a nice day.