First Grow!!! 6 CFL stealth case Barneys Farm LSD 1 plant


Active Member
I honestly wouldn't worry about it man, unless your temps are always above like 83ish it's probably gonna start booming soon.


We shall see haha. I added 4 more lights today because I feel I don't have enough lumens for the space I'm using. Now I have 10 26w cfls at 1750 lumens each so hopefully it pushes her into puberty.


Well-Known Member
The ppl on this site are awesome haha. The double cup thing is the first thing I thought of too, so tomorrow when I get my coffee ill ask for an extra cup. As far as covering it, I was thinking just a few layers of duct tape, not sure how that will affect heat. Fire off any suggestions to the new guy haha.
Used food bags (like potatoe chip). Turn them inside out. Many are like foil lined and reflect good. Rinse /wipe out side, set inside and gather excess and hold tight with a paperclip.

Reflects light & heat, and is easily removed to see if you're getting root bound.
I've used that technique for starting veggies for years and it worked very well.
Free (ice coffee cups & chip bags from work = free starter pots :hump::joint:)
If it's free,, It's for me!


Ok, she seems to be moving along a bit more now, thanks for the input everyone. I bought some superthrive and plan on adding a tiny tiny bit to the young lady to help her along tomorrow when I give her some water. Anyone have any experirnce using it? I'm not one of those idiots that will use to much (saw a few threads where ppl had no idea what they were doing and used waaaaay to much haha). Also, germinating some purple haze as we speak. More to come.


Active Member
purple HAZE is in my BRAIN! not sure if that's how it goes or not. I think of you start at 1/8 the dosage and feed every other watering you will be fine. However some nutes are a once every other week type of deal so just read carefully.


Ok so she still is just barely showing that her 2nd set of fan leaves are coming out. She really hasn't made much progress, and I feel that even though my lights are about 1.5 inches away, they are burning her. Any advice? I feel as if her growth has really been stunted and its frustrating haha. I also turned off a lot of lights, using only 5 as of a few mins ago. A friends of mine planted a day after me and his plant is 8 times the size of mine.


Got it at a steady 78. I thought maybe I had to much light and heat, so I went down to 5 lights, still 1.5 inches away. My buddy has one goin under 2 lights in a friggen cardboard box lined with tin foil and no cover, and his looks mint haha.


its been awhile so here's an update...

So I thought my plant was just not growing, and then all of a sudden it started flying. I would say i stunted it with heat for about a week to a week and a half. Technically she was born and broke soil on july 13, which would put her at just under a month old, but clearly she is undersized for that age. with that said, i fed her some FF grow big, but accidentally gave her a full 3tsp per gallon feeding (was high as shit). Anyway, i would assume that the pics i am about to add are of nute burn, unless I'm totally wrong. I decided to skip this weeks nutes and maybe resume next week. I also transplanted just 20 or so hours ago, so please feel free to comment and/or help.

Also, I plan to lst, so I added a pic of the little side branches if anyone has any pointers as far as timing or anything.




I also forgot to ask if there can be too much light? I have heard that regardless of temp, to much light can be negative? It didn't seem accurate to me but I don't know for sure. I have 5 26w cfls like 3 inches above to encourage upward growth.


Active Member
With CFLs, you will almost never have too much light. Stick as many of those as you want in there. Not sure about the nute burn, but they don't look as bad as they could all things considered


Hey guys,
She really has picked up the pace and redeemed herself. She's been lst to the max and also topped on one node because i wanted to see it work (which it did nicely.) Tommorow will be 2 weeks into flower. Currently running 14 26w (100 w equivalent) cfls, and one giant 65w (300 w equivalent) in the box. temp is steady at 79-80 degrees. Just gave it the first dose of fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom also. During veg she got ff grow big. She really smells great, got an electric carbon filter from febreze which worked good until flowering. Gonna make a bigger one myself in the days to come. These pictures aren't great i know, but i have a blackberry with a sub par camera and cant move the pot around to much bc its half way out of the bottom of the box. She got so big that I had to cut a round hole in the bottom for the majority of the pot then supported the sides to leave more room for stretching haha. Lemme know what you think. Thanks! :leaf:

