First grow.. 6 week old plants need advice!!!!!please\


Well-Known Member
there 6 weeks and im thinking there a lil small im running 6 26 watt cfl... and i have a 105 watt cfl on its wayy i plan on flowering with atleast a 250 watt hps i just need some advice on how much longer i should vegg these babies
and what you think about the plants..

i have about 5500+ lumens right now the new light would add 6900 so ill be at 12000+ next monday...

please leave some feedback



Well-Known Member
trash the foil, it only burns your plants (obviously) by creating hot spots, use white copy paper if nothing else. get a fan in there to strengthen stems . don't overwater, every 3-4 days is ok, no nutes or ferts for first 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
to tell u the truth they dont look to good just wait for the hps bulb to get there then start over and us it all the way through


Well-Known Member
i have a fan in there heard too many bad response's on foil so might as well killl that they get nutees and im pretty good on watering i underwater more than anything 2-3 days like said..

there that bad in growth??? i know there small but more light would increase the growth i might still have to vegg a month ... but you think i should start over or could i just put the hps to them already..


Active Member
grab up some mylar, or flip the tinfoil around so its dull side out and make sure its nice and smooth, that'll help fix some hot spots if you have to stick with foil


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:lol the yellowing is due to that fact i didint transplant soon enough not due to burning i barely put the foil there week ago toook it out.. people seem to worry about the more than the

give me some feedback on my plants your opinion!!! thanks:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
i think they need bigger pots, mine are yellowing and stunted too, and i have them in pretty small pots but i think they got better when i repotted. also, just water until a few drops come out the bottom, that ensures that all the soil is watered evenly. and every 2-3 days seems good, but it's better to go by how the plant looks and how the soil feels, if it's dry and inch down, or if the plant is suddenly wilting and looking dry, then water till you get a few drops and that should be good.

i'm still experimenting with it, but i'll let you know if i find out for sure what's wrong with my plants. but it think the above adivce will help if your not already doing that, it helped mine at least.


Well-Known Member
yea i think we have the same problem before i potted them in these pots they were in cups and once i trasplanted them they started lloking beter all the yellow leaves are from before trasnplant though there growth has improved since trasnplant just i have some growing outside and there like double the size and half the age ..