First grow - 600w hps

Toaster D

Well-Known Member
I have worked In and around hort for a long time, we don't germinate seeds like that for anything else, so why the fuck do it for weed?
Because it works? I dont claim to have 25 years experience growing MJ, but every time i have germinated in paper towel, 100% germination and faster to break soil.

My tries at germination in medium were less successful and slower to pop.

Just my experience though.


Well-Known Member
Because it works? I dont claim to have 25 years experience growing MJ, but every time i have germinated in paper towel, 100% germination and faster to break soil.

My tries at germination in medium were less successful and slower to pop.

Just my experience though.
Each to their own dude. If you can control the the environment correctly. Seeds should pop out of soil in two-five days.
I have to say. I did the paper towel method on my 2 newest seeds and they popped and broke soil faster than the ones I soaked and placed in soil. Whatever works for you. ☺

Got a great deal on some led lights on amazon, so those should be arriving within a week.

I'm completely out of bud and don't have cash for more... Grow babies grow! Should be able to harvest a few autos in about 50 days.

A few pictures.20160615_075017.jpg 20160615_075043.jpg 20160615_075030.jpg

Toaster D

Well-Known Member
It looks like there is some webbing in pic #1

Might be material that was on the soil, but you might want to rule out start of spider mites.

Maybe someone with more experience can chime in.


Well-Known Member
Small saucer,with paper towel on it damp,Put the seed on top of the wet towel,and put a other piece on top,of it,put a second saucer over the top to form a clam,Then inside a sealer bag,and put some where warm,i get good germination rate every time with this method.

You will all ways get seed's that don't germinate it's very rare but sometimes happens,But from seed companies like tga and greenhouse,all the good name ones its normally 100% success rate that does not mean that all the seeds,will be to a standard that you will want to keep them all keep the best ones,if i want 2 plants i will do a full 5 pack of seeds and keep the best two,if there is a couple other good ones i either give away or sell,summer put out side some where i think it might stand a chance of making it.


Active Member
Hello I might be way off topic but I need help. I have dwc setup and I'm a new to this first time But I have organic starter plugs and the seed germinated but it wants to fall over what do I do jus put it in and leave it? Will it grow through the plug ? That's wat I'm wondering is if it will grow through or do I need to transplant ? Please help
Seeing some pretty quick growth, so that's awesome. Everything is chugging along nicely. I have one runt in the original 10, but the other 9 look great.

The 2 newbies are doing well catching up the the runt of the group pretty quick.

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Well-Known Member
Seeing some pretty quick growth, so that's awesome. Everything is chugging along nicely. I have one runt in the original 10, but the other 9 look great.

The 2 newbies are doing well catching up the the runt of the group pretty quick.

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Nice lookin plants ya got there mate. I got a runt (or had?) a runt in my grow. She didn't like being called the runt of the litter though, Some freaky genetics started happenin maybe 3 days in. What was the runt is now growin freakishly fast and is my biggest plant.
Nice lookin plants ya got there mate. I got a runt (or had?) a runt in my grow. She didn't like being called the runt of the litter though, Some freaky genetics started happenin maybe 3 days in. What was the runt is now growin freakishly fast and is my biggest plant.
Let's hope that luck hits me too lol

I'm not too worried, its a haze so it will have 15-20 days longer than the other autos so should be able to turn out pretty nice despite this slow start.


Well-Known Member
Hey brother looks good.
Are the autos in their final pots? If you already know this then please disregard but from what everyone tells me, autos don't like to be transplanted. So after germination they go into their final pots. I've grown a few but never tried transplanting.
Hey brother looks good.
Are the autos in their final pots? If you already know this then please disregard but from what everyone tells me, autos don't like to be transplanted. So after germination they go into their final pots. I've grown a few but never tried transplanting.
I sort of went back and fourth with putting them in some 3 gallon smart pots, but I'll definitely look into what you are saying. Maybe I'll just top the pots off with a little more soil. I hope the pots I started them in aren't too small. Thoughts? As for the regulars, I have 5 gallon pots on the way from amazon.
Topped the pots off with a bit more soil just going to stick with the current pots. At least one of them is in a 1 gallon lol.
The rest will have to do their best with the 6 inch pots from walmart. I will definitely keep this in mind if I ever do more autos.
Hell, for all I know, all but one could be male. The one in the one gallon is my only feminized. Freezeberry auto.

Had to snap another picture after misting.20160616_214119.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have a friend on here and he loved his first plants to death. Lol. Autos and he as transplanting them etc. whether they didn't make it from that or something else I m not sure but I'm not taking the chance. Then again, if you have to you have to.
My first grow was 5 candy cane autos from Cropking. One turned out to be male. It happens.
Yeah, I think I'll stick with these little pots on the autos. I'm prepared for a male or 2 I have a cage outside to put any males in. That way I can harvest some pollen and experiment with breeding at some point.
Thanks for the heads up on transplanting!
So I had a 3 gallon smart pot lying around and so I said fuck it, an transplanted one of the auto assassins. Think the timing was perfect though. Roots were just reaching the edge of the pot and I was able to keep about 95% of the original medium intact. Fingers crossed it doesn't upset her much. 20160617_070844.jpg 20160617_070830.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like too much light too early. I use simple CFL as seedlings then move under 600 hps to finish.
It wont be the light. I use a 400w hps on seedlings all the time. Waste of power ;) but I don't really care as they love it.

I've gotta do some clones tonight and because I'm so lazy I'm just going to leave the 600w mh in place haha serious waste of power lol