First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab

So it's been a big day for the girls. They got transplanted into their final pots, moved under the HID and put on 12/12. I have the HID at 50% so 300w right now and temps are fine. Will try throwing it to 75% tomorrow.

The girls are smaller than I expected them to be at this point and haven't made any side branches so I didn't have enough to bother grabbing clones. Will start 5 next time and plan on keeping a mother.

The cooltube isn't getting hot at all, I can touch it. How many cms (or inches) should I have it from the girls?

fellow you have done a great job with the plants :)

you can take clones up to the 3 week in flower when the plants are 3x the size :)
and they will turn out great

just like I did in my grow
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Alright so it has been a few weeks since I updated. That's because everything has been going pretty smoothly. Plants are about 4 weeks into 12/12 and covered with buds and white hairs (pistles?). I also took clones about 2 weeks ago which are now potted and rooted and looking good. Some of the clones have pre-flower action going on which I hope is ok and they'll move back to veg?

Got some high K fert which I used last water, they seemed to like it. So now what can I do to really encourage the buds to grow big and heavy? :)

Any feedback or tips/tricks greatly appreciate for getting as many ozs as I can from this.



