First Grow: 8 Week Old LST Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Hi Everybody,

These were started under 270W of CFL (9x30w) in a 50/50 mix of warm & cool bulbs (I would have used all cool white, but I had originally planned to flower under these same lights and am too cheap to buy extras.

At 4 weeks old, I upgraded to a 400w HPS, at around 5-6 weeks the plants were topped, and at 7 weeks the branches were pruned (very lightly) and trained to a horizontal profile to increase light absorption. They have been fed a half strength formula of GH Maxigro every alternate feeding since around 3-4 weeks & I am transitioning to a full strength formula of GH Maxibloom. From the 4 individual plants, I count about 20-30 unobstructed tops. The whole mass is ~30" in diameter.

They went on 12/12 2 days ago and 3 of the 4 are showing definite female characteristics, the fourth I'm still unsure about.

Light has been ~14" from the plant canopy. Temperatures have ranged 77-82 during daytime, with a few spikes up to 84, and ~65-70 during the night. Soil ph is ~7.0 Water ph is 6.5. Humidity has been 40-50% throughout.

This is my first grow, so any advice, comments would be tremendously appreciated.



New Member
things are looking good.

you will get better results with a high density sea of green. especially since you have the 400 now. 20-30 tops could be many more.


Well-Known Member
Yea, my original intent when I bought the 400w was to use these four as mothers for a full op. But after murdering the first batch of clones, and having no signs of rooting yet in the second, I've decided to just run these four through the whole deal just to get more comfortable with the process, then set up a full op with a known strain when I have a little more experience.

Out of curiosity, how many plants would you plan on growing under a 400w HPS? And what size footprint do you think would be ideal?