First Grow - 8th Week Flower - Ready For Harvest?


First and foremost thank you in advance for taking the time to read and reply to my thread...I really appreciate any and all insight.

This is my first grow. I started with two rouge bag seeds and they both ended up germinating and turning into females. I was lucky and incredibly thankful! Since then I utilized organic soil from Viagoro and used organic plant tone for vegging ferts and flower tone + molasses/epsom salt water for flowering. (PH@ 6.3) I let mother nature naturally flower them and things have been great despite some sort of infection that wilted/burnt most of plant 1. Plant 1 has always been smaller than its sister plant. There are no amber trics to speak of anywhere on either of the plants..but I worry that plant 1 wont make it much longer. Growth appears to have stagnated...Temperatures haven't been kind recently (lows at night: 41-48 with highs only 60-68)

Once again any insight/advice/comments/opinions are welcome and appreciated.

Plant 1:

Plant 2:

Satellite Buds:



Thank you for pointing me in the right direction...I posted this thread hastily. Sorry!!

Appreciate the kind words also. I was learning on the grow the entire time...trying techniques as soon as I could research them, haha.


Well-Known Member
First and foremost thank you in advance for taking the time to read and reply to my thread...I really appreciate any and all insight.

This is my first grow. I started with two rouge bag seeds and they both ended up germinating and turning into females. I was lucky and incredibly thankful! Since then I utilized organic soil from Viagoro and used organic plant tone for vegging ferts and flower tone + molasses/epsom salt water for flowering. (PH@ 6.3) I let mother nature naturally flower them and things have been great despite some sort of infection that wilted/burnt most of plant 1. Plant 1 has always been smaller than its sister plant. There are no amber trics to speak of anywhere on either of the plants..but I worry that plant 1 wont make it much longer. Growth appears to have stagnated...Temperatures haven't been kind recently (lows at night: 41-48 with highs only 60-68)

Once again any insight/advice/comments/opinions are welcome and appreciated.

Plant 1:

Plant 2:

Satellite Buds:

Your growth slowed/stopped because of the cold.
Mine have done the same, as I had a week solid of 40 degree nights last week.
I am now bringing mine in at night.
Give them some time, they look real good, but should fill up a bit more.
Watch for the hairs to get shorter, and start checking your trichs!


Thank you for the insight! Maybe I'm beginning to over think things but I believe these cool damp temps, especially during my final flushing phase, makes my crops more susceptible to mold/bud rot. As a preventative measure I'm going to lightly foliar spray this evening with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) this evening and then directly fan them on low for the night indoors.

Will update with pics tonight as I examine!

Appreciate the support!!



Attached are 2 of the well scorched satellite buds. I'm worried that the browning might be the signs of budrot. I've checked all over the plant and gently tugged the smaller fan leaves to get a good look at the stem..all looks well..but I can't be too sure. Anyone have any insight?


Tonight I brought the crops in to shield them from the hazy humidity. I toiled soil, gave them a fresh LST, got them in a climate controlled environment with sufficient air circulation and inspected the buds.

It looks like I have a slight mite problem in a couple bud sections of both plants. There weren't formed webs..but a strand or two would appear adjoining the leaves on the bud's cola...I would swipe them away and reexamine the following day to find they're reappeared...

In addition, the browning leaves on the satellite buds in question have stabilized. The flush looks to have satisfied both plants already and I plan on flushing again soon.

So I decided to spray them lightly with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a reverse osmosis water...Just on the damaged bud areas. I allowed them to blow dry before spraying both plants lightly with the same solution...only this time with a teaspoon of pure cane sugar.

Why baking soda? I thought that the 'basic' properties of the mix would repel mold from facilitating growth.

Why cane sugar? I read a journal somewhere where cane sugar was used as a resin boosting agent during late flower.

Since this is my first grow...I'm experimenting and learning on the task...I try to apply the most practical/logical techniques that I can make sense of as the opportunity presents itself.


Well-Known Member
Tonight I brought the crops in to shield them from the hazy humidity. I toiled soil, gave them a fresh LST, got them in a climate controlled environment with sufficient air circulation and inspected the buds.

It looks like I have a slight mite problem in a couple bud sections of both plants. Their weren't formed webs..but a strand or two would appear adjoining the leaves on the bud's cola...I would swipe them away and reexamine the following day to find they're reappeared...

In addition, the browning leaves on the satellite buds in question have stabilized. The flush looks to have satisfied both plants already and I plan on flushing again soon.

So I decided to spray them lightly with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a reverse osmosis water...Just on the damaged bud areas. I allowed them to blow dry before spraying both plants lightly with the same solution...only this time with a teaspoon of pure cane sugar.

Why baking soda? I thought that the 'basic' properties of the mix would repel mold from facilitating growth.

Why cane sugar? I read a journal somewhere where cane sugar was used as a resin boosting agent during late flower.

Since this is my first grow...I'm experimenting and learning on the task...I try to apply the most practical/logical techniques that I can make sense of as the opportunity presents itself.
I've never heard of foliar feeding with sugar, but I DO remember reading that feeding with sugar in place of molasses has no value to the plant.
As far as your baking soda, Baking soda: Sodium Bicarbonate
"Sodium collapses the powdery mildew cell wall". Baking soda leaves an alkaline residue on the leaves, which should be washed off with water before more is applied.
Foliar spray: 15ml / gallon


I've never heard of foliar feeding with sugar, but I DO remember reading that feeding with sugar in place of molasses has no value to the plant.
As far as your baking soda, Baking soda: Sodium Bicarbonate
"Sodium collapses the powdery mildew cell wall". Baking soda leaves an alkaline residue on the leaves, which should be washed off with water before more is applied.
Foliar spray: 15ml / gallon
I got the cane sugar information from a variety of sources including High Times. Here is some info that originated on this site.

Also the baking soda...I just thought of it as a preventative/last ditch effort. I applied only minor amounts. I'll mist them with RO water in the morning to rinse them however.

Thank you for the insight!


Morning update!

First sightings of amber trics! :D

Planned course of action:

Final flush tonight.

Complete darkness starting Tuesday night.

Harvest Friday morning.


I trimmed a small portion (~.5g) from the ugly cola I harvested this morning and utilized Dank Master's quick drying method.


It took all but a couple minutes, worked like a charm. Very satisfied with the effectiveness and convenience.

Smoke report:

Very cerebral, heady, energetic high. Almost feels as though your heart is racing. Smoke was slightly harsh..but that's to be expected, I mean it was literally 'dried' and smoked within 3-4 minutes...but far from the worst I ever had. Buds were kind of airy, broke apart easily, floral aroma with strong grassy notes...again due to the quick dry.

Overall the high is quality...and if I'm experiencing this out of literally the ugliest bud on either of my crops...I'm more than happy.


Here's another daily update. Getting closer!! They're really taking well to the mild temps, constant breeze, and intermittent sun. My healthy plant is still taking off where as my deformed plant has stabilized at its same rate for about a week now. It's not getting any better or worse...Can she be revived at all?

Sickly plant:

Healthy girl:

Up close main cola on healthy girl:



My smaller plant is being destroyed by caterpillars. If conditions don't improve in 24hrs she's getting the axe. Such a shame...I'm nearly depressed.
