Thanks for your reply!! I really appreciate any help & advise from your experience! The girls are growing in a soilless medium, one of the seed trays purchased from a grow store. I plan of transplanting to Sunshine #4 mix. I first noticed a slight yellowing last week & gave them a 1/4 strength feeding of Rock Supercharge Root Tonic at the recommendation of my local grow store. A couple of days later & maybe this is where I fucked up, I also feed them at 1/4 strength Ionic Grow 2-1-2 for soil. I was watering with an eye dropper until the entire pod became moistened 2-3 times a day but only after the medium was dry, the cells of medium are about inch & a half square & about 1 3/4" deep & dry out pretty fast. Temp is about 70-75 & humidity is around 60 rh. I'm watering with distilled water at 6.0 ph. What am I doing wrong? The lighting is a ho T5 & was about 8" above them but I raised it to 12" a couple of days ago worrying they were getting burned. Before I raised light temp was at 75-77. Should I repot to soil today? HELP!!