First Grow After an experiment almost 4 to 5 years ago...check it out!!!


Well-Known Member
Yup in soil, half are in all-purpose soil mix, and the other half in miracle grow which is not all purpose, also got about 10 too 12 in peat pellets, but don't really like using those, not too good. Just playing around a little bit trying too see what is better.
im sorry what kind of miracle grow soil is that


Well-Known Member
after reading the WHOLE thread in its entirety i withdraw my last thread comment. i bet this guy wish he did the same thing.....too...LMAO!!!!!!!

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Now your starting to piss me off once again...STOP THE LIES!
Ive never dealt with a pathological liar before and its really a pain in the ass.

Post up a link to the other forums where you had all your info on....liar. Why the hell would anyone steal your duct taped cardboard box growroom idea hahaha.

Every single thing you have said or done matches what Karma said.

You even posted while logged into your other account "karma6969" I cant believe your actually trying to deny that shit.

I know its you...your always using too in the wrong spots. Too is only used in a situation like this (its used like the world ALSO) "I too am really excited about growing under my bed in a shoe box".
To is used like this "I wanted to grow but daddy said the power company called and scared me".

Judging by your grammar, growing with all your little "friends", growing in a cardboard box, worrying about 2 27w cfl's, lying and exaggerating continuously, and not manning up to your lies I have to assume your under 18. Besides most colleges dont have school from 9-4...those are high school hours.

Your just a lying exaggerating little boy who cant admit anything.

Be a fucking man and admit your karma. Like I said everyone will still be willing to help.

LMAO... that was a waste of Tanqueray and tonic, what was in my mouth came out my nose and showered my monitor. And what was in my glass drenched my keyboard. But that was funny as all get out! I think I have a gin head

I guess I am finally convinced - this has to be Karma, I read this thread over again from the beginning and ...
Post #40 – he said he had a ton of nukes, who buys so much when first starting, still I though maybe he’s rich or something
Post #43 – I thought he read all those posts on those other threads pretty fast, but decided he still deserved the benefit of doubt
Post #64 – he said that the other guy is making himself write correct to imposter him?!
Post #81 – he grew ½ pound to 1 pound pot plants like the other guy

WTF?! Dude, it is time to give it up. You are just being silly. I honestly hope that by doing this, jerking everyone’s chain, it is giving you some type of release so you don’t go and do something really stupid. I made a bad joke that playing with us was keeping you from getting a gun and blowing people away. You don’t have a long black trench coat do you?

Look, can’t you tell this is fun for us and most of us will pop our heads in here from time to time while we are online just to see what new lie you have for us.

Keep it coming if you will, just step away from the izu…


Okay now, back to my gin and tonic; cause that is something that us grown up people can do...

Wow, since I started this reply; 2 additional pages have popped up... LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta roll another doobie before I read them…lol


Too many brownies
damn with all those 23 and 27 watt cfls im really surprised the DEA hasn't busted down your closet door yet. Youd better hope they dont accidentally bust down mommy and daddies bedroom door. hahaha :roll: