First Grow... AKR... Advice Welcome!


FIRST 600w hps hydroponic indoor room grow. Naturally, I have done extensive homework and preparation, but will no doubt have tons of questions and welcome all advice.

I have this setup:
  • 12'x 10'x 10' room
  • Mylark all of the walls and the ceilings.
  • Reflective insulation on the two windows and also on the bare concrete floor.
  • Two 8" a/c duct lines feeding two separate ends of the room
  • One 6" in-line fan sucking through a carbon filter and exhausting outside of the room
  • Four 600W HPS fixtures, interlinked together with an in-line fan blowing into the attic
  • Two oscillating fans caddy-corner from each other
  • Ebb/Flow hydroponic system with 10x 5g buckets
  • CO2 tank blowing for 15 minutes every hour
  • Gadgets to measure air temp, humidity, ph, nutes etc.
  • I do NOT have a dehumidifier
  • Room is completely vacuum sealed.

Comments welcomed!!

Plan of Attack:

  • 10x Attitude Seedbank AKR Auto
  • Germ the seeds
  • Once little trees are hatched, will move to 5g bucket and begin system
  • I'm hesitant to do the 20/4 as recommended by Attitude, but will do it

I'm not sold on nutes. Can anyone recommend?

I've not seen anyone with a similar set-up to mine so I kinda feel like I'm in an island. Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Mods... please move this post if this is the wrong place.


Well-Known Member
FIRST 600w hps hydroponic indoor room grow. Naturally, I have done extensive homework and preparation, but will no doubt have tons of questions and welcome all advice.

I have this setup:
  • 12'x 10'x 10' room
  • Mylark all of the walls and the ceilings.
  • Reflective insulation on the two windows and also on the bare concrete floor.
  • Two 8" a/c duct lines feeding two separate ends of the room
  • One 6" in-line fan sucking through a carbon filter and exhausting outside of the room
  • Four 600W HPS fixtures, interlinked together with an in-line fan blowing into the attic
  • Two oscillating fans caddy-corner from each other
  • Ebb/Flow hydroponic system with 10x 5g buckets
  • CO2 tank blowing for 15 minutes every hour
  • Gadgets to measure air temp, humidity, ph, nutes etc.
  • I do NOT have a dehumidifier
  • Room is completely vacuum sealed.

Comments welcomed!!

Plan of Attack:

  • 10x Attitude Seedbank AKR Auto
  • Germ the seeds
  • Once little trees are hatched, will move to 5g bucket and begin system
  • I'm hesitant to do the 20/4 as recommended by Attitude, but will do it

I'm not sold on nutes. Can anyone recommend?

I've not seen anyone with a similar set-up to mine so I kinda feel like I'm in an island. Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Mods... please move this post if this is the wrong place.
Sounds good to this point, and as for the 20/4.. that's pretty much the standard for autoflower unless you're doing strain testing.


Well, I didn't pass go. I put all of the seeds in a rockwool tray that had been soaked for 24 hours. The tray came with a hood which I placed on to and then put it all under a fluorescent lamp. After several days and no signs of life, there was about a half an inch of puddled water which I drained. Well, a week went by and still nothing.

I ended up putting this tray out in the sun and one seedling popped out! After a fee more days, it didn't do more than a few inches and no leaves, while none of the others hatched.

What cam I do? I've noticed the seeds are moist and mushy. Can I dry out or are they dead??