First grow am i ready to flower and sex


Well-Known Member
been vegging these plants in soils mix with 7 CFL on a 24Hr lighting cycle - was wanting to know should i try and keep vegging for a few weeks or can they be flowered as im still not sure of the sex yet and am dying to know. space is not a problem also am just waiting delivery of my hps - please check out my pics and any help would be nice

SEXING advice especially - i,ve read all the foeums but so worried about cross polination :confused:



Well-Known Member
nice plants, i would go ahead and flower if i got the hps but its up to you if you wanna keep vegging, if one comes out a hermie or male then you should get it away from your females
you won't be able to tell their sex until about a week or 2 into flowering...keep an eye out 'n you'll be able to tell soon...pistils (little hairs coming out of the balls) = females; straight-up balls = males