First Grow, an Evolving Effort

Johan Liebert

Active Member
... how do you subscribe?
Yeah, it's tough to figure out, right? I spent like a month and a half on here before I noticed: go to the top of the thread, and there will be a small drop-down available called Thread Tools. Go in here, set up a folder for subscriptions, and file the sub away. After that you will receive a little notice in your My RIU section when the thread receives a reply.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Just took a clone (maybe 5 inches long) from #2. I had been pre-soaking a 4" pot of soil since yesterday, and I did the cutting as by-the-book as possible. I took another 4" pot with drainage holes on the bottom, flipped it upside down, and taped it on top of the clone pot, taping them together to create a capsule of sorts into which air and light can easily go, but not too much light either. I'm very hopeful about this :)

Also, this:

nice. I found this the other night , and ive been reading it. I love it. You should keep a few males and experiment on them. See what im saying , just do whatever to them and see how it works out. Im gonna start my own grow journal soon. wish me luck?
Good luck on your grow journal, cap'n. I bet it'll go well with all the helpful knowledge floating around this site at your disposal. Also, thanks for the compliment.

Haha, doesn't it seem a bit macabre to keep male plants for poking and prodding? Reminds me of Nazi doctors :p

Anyhow, the males have already been disposed of.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
I think #2 is starting to move out of "preflowering" (if that's not a term, it is now) and into real buds yet, but the teeny little pistils are starting to chunk up into strands more voluptuous and mature-looking. I'll get a few pics later.

As far as I can tell, I've got two to four weeks to make sure my smell-proofing is absolutely flawless. Although my mom pointed out that the smell improved after going from 7 plants to 2, she has piped back up that she can smell it again. If her sensitive nose is being pestered by it on week 2 of 12/12, I'll be fucked when the buds start getting stinky.

Also, I'm going to look into getting a windshield cover to use for reflection inside the cabinet. Again, I'm not currently in a position where I can order mylar or purchase it locally, and Iv'e seen more than a few setups using those car shades. Shouldn't be too hard to cut or otherwise fashion it for a good shape inside the cab. May even be long enough that I can cut a chunk off and stick it around the side light panel, which would be killer at setting more light toward the inner sets.


Active Member
Are you going to make a carbon filter? They can be made for like 10 bucks....I dont know if you have like a dollar general where you live but they have car shades there for sale...only a buck too!

I have two plants flowering now and they're stinky...but we dont notice cause the house always smells like dankness. DIY carbon filters are really easy to make and are cheap. they get the job done well....are going to mother a plant?

plants are looking good...keep it up bro

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Are you going to make a carbon filter? They can be made for like 10 bucks....I dont know if you have like a dollar general where you live but they have car shades there for sale...only a buck too!

I have two plants flowering now and they're stinky...but we dont notice cause the house always smells like dankness. DIY carbon filters are really easy to make and are cheap. they get the job done well....are going to mother a plant?

plants are looking good...keep it up bro
Already have a DIY carbon filter on there.


Active Member
Right on...I like your LST.....Mine is taking off.....about to start taking a new veg room check it out on the journo!

Johan Liebert

Active Member
So, my absence has been due to laziness on my part but suffice it to say things seem to be going well.

#2 is slightly bigger than #4 as it is a week older, but at a distance, you could no longer tell. I've been doing some special ties to try and keep the canopy in check, and maximizing light to the newer, smaller leaves. I have already had to do some pruning of yellowed leaves that have not been getting what they need. No worries though.

We've got serious buds beginning to form now. Although #4 still looks a bit immature, #2 has a clear and apparent top cola in the works. The pistils are prevalent now down at least six or seven nodes, and as predicted by countless how-to guides, the branches which are the highest are also beginning to form tops. This is a very exciting time!

I've got two clones taken now. The first one is over a week old now, and it has begun to start growing again, although it's not quite ready for direct light yet. The second was taken just this evening, so I'm just hoping for the best.

This is the part where I promise pics and then fail to deliver. My mom stole her camera back so I might have to settle for iPhone shots...


Well-Known Member
So, my absence has been due to laziness on my part but suffice it to say things seem to be going well.

#2 is slightly bigger than #4 as it is a week older, but at a distance, you could no longer tell. I've been doing some special ties to try and keep the canopy in check, and maximizing light to the newer, smaller leaves. I have already had to do some pruning of yellowed leaves that have not been getting what they need. No worries though.

We've got serious buds beginning to form now. Although #4 still looks a bit immature, #2 has a clear and apparent top cola in the works. The pistils are prevalent now down at least six or seven nodes, and as predicted by countless how-to guides, the branches which are the highest are also beginning to form tops. This is a very exciting time!

I've got two clones taken now. The first one is over a week old now, and it has begun to start growing again, although it's not quite ready for direct light yet. The second was taken just this evening, so I'm just hoping for the best.

This is the part where I promise pics and then fail to deliver. My mom stole her camera back so I might have to settle for iPhone shots...
iPhone away then... :joint:

Johan Liebert

Active Member
These are iPhone shots from 2 days ago. Obviously there has been some tying and growth since then. Towards the end you'll see my of them (0941.jpg) got fried under the lights because I exposed it too soon, so I also included some snapshots of me replacing it. I will be taking more clones although I don't have room for more in the cab, and probably hand them off to a friend of mine who inspired me to grow before his room mate shut his op down. I'd like to give him a few little bonsai buds to get back in the game.

That reminds me: how big can a clone get? Like, let's say I took a 5" clone, and put it in a pot as big as its mother's? I mean, would it eventually turn into its own full plant if let to vegetate long enough, or will it always be obvious that it is just a branch from a larger plant?

Ooh, another thing to note...when I first got this thing going, while they were vegging, I was under the impression that these were going to be largely indica genetics, because the leaves seemed to me a bit fat and short...well, now they're long and thin! I didn't notice until I had to remove a fan leaf...I was just staring at it, thinking, "holy shit, when did this happen?" You guys can get a look at the pics...I think 0932.jpg and 0936.jpg really show off what I'm talking about. Anyone got some wisdom to shed on the situation?

[edit: God damn it, sorry about the rotation, guys. They look straight in the thumbnails...this is why I hate using the iPhone for shots. It's hard to tell the computer that it has already auto-rotated shit and...whatever, I'll get real shots with a real camera next time.


Johan Liebert

Active Member
On the clones...I am also pretty prepared for them to die. I realized too late (like, after I'd taken the clone to replace the whithered one) that I had been doing it wrong...I cut horizontally, rather than using a razor to take a diagonal cut. This leaves less exposed plant to start growing roots and as such, I won't be shocked if they start to keel over in a few days. That said, there are branches shooting out of the two mommies like the limbs of teenaged basketball players. Every time I look, something new is jutting out four or more inches. So the good news is that clones won't be in short supply.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Fresh off the disappointment that was those iPhone pics are some close-ups taken with a DSLR.

Also, don't know if you can tell in the pics but today we have glandular trichomes on the leaves of #2!



Well-Known Member
All in all everything looks/sounds great man. My only concern though, and this may be a genetic trait of your plant...BUT..

The reddish/purple stems etc in that very last pic you posted, can be a sign of Phos defs. Keep an eye on it is all.

Keep up the good work, must say for coming in not really knowing anything at are doing VERY well.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
All in all everything looks/sounds great man. My only concern though, and this may be a genetic trait of your plant...BUT..

The reddish/purple stems etc in that very last pic you posted, can be a sign of Phos defs. Keep an eye on it is all.

Keep up the good work, must say for coming in not really knowing anything at are doing VERY well.
Thanks a lot. I'm about to go do my research on phosphorous deficiency and what to do about it. I must say, I'm pretty proud of myself so far. Few of my mistakes have held me back considerably, and as if by some sort of science (ba-dum TSH) everything I've seen online and applied has worked as promised. With the LST for example, I am overjoyed to see little side-tops starting to raise upward. My only regret is that I didn't maximize area by getting a planter to maximize space. The clones probably have little to no root system yet, so it might not be out of the question to just do that late in the Might go to Wal-Mart tomorrow...