First grow and I think i made a boo boo... please help

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Hi all, Last week I germinated my first ever seed and it all went fine until today i noticed that i diden't see the seed sprout yet. Something told me to check it out and low and hold i noticed the seeds little white root that came out was going away but still had some on it hanging. I used jungle growth soil and keeped the soil moist. I think i might have over done it with the water. I paniced and took the seed out and replanted it in a jiffy pot with jiffy seed starting mix and also added perlite and waterd it lightly, then placed it in the Greenhouse that came with the jiffy pots and I placed it near a window with indirect sunlight. Will my seedling be ok since i think i might have caught it in time or am i S.O.L?
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Well-Known Member
Give it a day or two, but most likely you're SOL. You may have handled and watered the little guy too much.


Well-Known Member
That's the nature of this hobby, friend. We learn from our mistakes. I almost nute-burned the shit out of my plants. I won't be making that mistake again.


Well-Known Member
Totally possible. I wouldn't count on it though, just get some more seed, besides if you grow just 1 seed, theres still a good chance it is a Male plant, you want to grow like 5 at a time then keep only the females.