First grow, and journal. AK48 and Super Skunk


Active Member
This is my first grow ever, and I'm about to start the fifteenth day of 12/12. I just did a res. change and everything seems alright. I'm using and ebb and flow system in a homebox with con. co2. I'm using floranova nutes and my plants are loving it. Like I said this is the first ever grow so any advice or comments would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
that google shit is for real? what exactly do you do? I signed up but once they asked for my cc info i canceled and ever since some damn Philippino ladies have been calling me.


Active Member
sooooo judging by the plants, and them being on there fifteenth day of flower. Do you guys think I can pull a cheeseburger and a half from those three plants with co2.