First grow!! (and potential problems)


Active Member
A friend of mine needed to get rid of his 3 week old seedlings and I offered to take them. I cleared out a 3x6 closet and have 6 plants under 6 100w equivalents.

After receiving them from the previous owner, I realized that they needed replanting. Ran out and got supplies quickly, and mistakenly put them in MG 21 - 14 - 7 soil.

Overview shots:

With the fan:

One plant is showing some light yellowing / drying of some larger leaves:

Another plant:

One plant has red lines going up the central shaft and reddish stems (photo is kind of bad):

I accidentally overwatered, so if the leaves look a bit droopy I think that's why. Can anyone diagnose my plants? Thanks for looking!

PS: The plants have been in my possession for 4 days now


Well-Known Member
the burnt tips looks to me like nute butrn which could be cause of the mg soil but if i were u i would wait to nute untill ur confident there is no overnuting, mg scares me but it should work fine. the red stems is pretty normal (plants just telling u its lacking a little something prob n) but ignore that for now just fresh phed water now


Well-Known Member
only water when the top 2in drys up, and i doubt its mg this early on if anything it would be nitrgoen, but the burn is more of a worry than the n defecency, but i like ur clean setup


Well-Known Member
You will need some more light. As far as the burn, it is b/c of the soil, no doubt. Careful not to overwater to much. The water is what is transporting the nutes to the roots. Don't nute for awhile, and if you repot don't feed until they have eaten all the fresh nutes in the new soil. I'm dealing w/ MG *Organic 10-5-5. I'm not having any problems :)


Well-Known Member
Don't expect it to "clear" up. The burnt plant matter is dead, and will not heal. The best scenario would be: the plant stops burning :)


Active Member
I just meant if it doesn't get worse overall.

Also, if I end up repotting, I'm guessing I should somehow get the old soil off the roots. What's the best way to do this?


Well-Known Member
You could just flush the soil. That would get rid of most of the nutes. Simply wait 'till your ready to water, get the soil nice and dry. Then for every 1 gal. of soil flush w/ two gal. of tap water. Then don't water until it calls for it again :)


Well-Known Member
Gotta be the soil, you should repot them in something organic and feed nutes when needed. MG is shity for marijuana and be careful when transplanting you dont want to cause any stress and have potencial hermies.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing in organic, and most organic nutes are slow releasing. So feeding can be overdone if nutes are applied too early. I'm almost to flowering, and haven't added nutes :)


Active Member
Would I just shake off as much dirt as possible from the roots if I were to transplant?

I'll also look into flushing more. Not saying you're wrong, but putting 6 gal. of water into my soil sounds like it would be a death sentence for these little kids


Well-Known Member
Don't put six gallons into your pot, flush w/ six gallons. Assuming you have decent pots. You should have some sort of drainage holes. Flushing simply means the water goes through, and drains out, flushing the soil :) Read up on it a bit more :)