first grow and running into location issues


Active Member
First grow was all planned out then all of a sudden i found out the 200+ acres where i had a few spots picked out will be timbered. So now i need to find new locations with younger trees because they are only taking larger tress, mostly oaks.

1 issue i had was i found an amazing spot where its actually very open and there is nobody who goes there. But i started to dig my holes and im running into a lot of rock, big rocks, i get about a foot deep and i have to dig around these rocks, this is the only spot where i feel safe from the loggers that also has sunlight, if i dig the whole wider will can the roots grow wide?....also when digging a whole i found a 2.5 inch arrowhead just beneath the surface in nearly perfect shape lol, what are the odds of that?

Its just hard for me to part with this place because of the perfect light exposure, i cant use buckets cuz that could possibly be seen if someone did go there, the plant would blend in quite well with other plants around the grass

Also where i had already thrown 3 germinated seeds in the ground in another place, 1 somehow moved about a foot from where i put it, how does this happen? its actually the biggest one by far and its growing up in fern stems i had ripped up. in just a few days the roots couldnt have grown that far and pushing the top could it? or maybe an animal but it didnt look like it was bothered


if they will be lumbering in they area i would find a whole new spot not on that land cause they will scout the whole 200 acres for the best area to start and the best quality trees and believe me timber man know mother nature plants when they come across them you could get right before harvest and find them missing


Active Member
this is really the only spot i have, the one where i have trouble digging is next to it but is not on the same property. Im not to worried about the ones i already planted, they aren't clear cutting and there is nothing but junk trees in that whole rather not dig them up anyway