First Grow - Angelmatic and Auto Vertigo - CFL /Soil


Well-Known Member
Hey nice start! I am only on DAY 7, and like you stated nobody replies really, so hey I will grow with ya! check out my thread.... got pics and all that good stuff as well. Things are looking good thus far on your grow sorry to hear about your seedling loss....bummer....but that Autoflower should be nice to watch!



I grew angelmatic this summer aswell, have to say it was a terrible effort though, neglected them alot and they turned out shabby, have 2 seeds left though so I'm gunna care for them better this time..

Let us know how the yield and smoke are when you're all done!


Active Member
Hey guys thanks for the input !

I've noticed today the fan leaved on the tallest plan are drooping a bit, I'm pretty sure I'm not overwatering as they all get the same amount and the other 2 are ok, if so would heat stress cause it on one plant and not the others ?
On a hot day it can reach like 87f at canopy.


Active Member
Day 34

Heres a picture of the plant im worried about, any help would be greatly appreciated!

All the plants get the same amount of water and nutrients, and the temps go from around 70f at night to 85f on a hot day.

Any ideas why this one is drooping and not the others ?



Active Member
Good news, I got up this morning and it looked really I watered it with around 5 times the normal amount with normal water and after 3 hours it looks to be getting better already !
Thats good, Im noob too, but just remember that if you are mixing strains in there, that different strains have different tolerences to nutes etc I have read.

Is this your first autoflower? Any advice on strains?


Active Member
Yeah this is my first grow, I basically picked strains with as high a sativa % as possible as this is my preference.
To be honest I read alot of good things about some of the basic Joint Dr strains as far as simplicity goes, having said that all 3 of the strains I've tried here are growing nicely in their own way.

The Angelmatic is taller than the rest, much darker in color and the buds seems to be developing faster than the others.
The Vertigo is a bit shorter but the number of bud sites initially was far more numerous. I'm hoping it will eventually turn a shade of blue/purple !
I've not seen much of the blueberry since its only about 2 weeks old but its growing just as well as the other strains so far.


Cool man vertigo grows are hard to find, a friend of mine is growing one right now. he had it with his other strains that were 12/12 and when he flipped them he put the vertigo in with them and its still going, 6 weeks my ass. He's been vaping/sampling buds for 2-3 weeks already, wanna know what happens??? lol the new buds form lower on the plant, its very smelly compared to the rest of his grow and it does turn slightly blue/purplish dark greeny.

he says every few days the high gets better and better, still clear trics... go figure. hope you have a carbon filter


Active Member
Haha that sounds intense !

I must say they went into flower like 2 week ago and only one of the angelmatics is progressing nicely, the other 2 (including vertigo) are moving kinda slowly as far as the buds go. Maybe I'm just impatient !
I do have a filter haha, but the blueberry has only just come into a 5th set of leaves so its going to be a long month or two !


Active Member
Day 51

Ok so its been a while, all 4 plants are doing very well, the second Angelmatic in particular was very late to start budding bus as a result is a towering giant !
Expecting mega buds from that one. The first Angelmatic in contrast is the most developed, the main kola is very bulky and dense. The vertigo is coming along very nicely aswell, with an almost minty aroma.
Lastly the 30 or so day old Blueberry is developing very fast, due to not as much time under the blue CFL its not as big as its sisters but it looks lovely none the less.



Active Member
Hey man nice work on your grow! Im coming to the end of an Auto Vertigo except mine kinda smells of coffee lol she has got a couple of big ass colas and Im growing very simmilar to you, glad I caught you before its done so I can see your babies go thorugh flowering! Keep up the good work dude!


Active Member
Day 60

The smaller Angel is approaching its last week I think, the larger Angel is just starting to bulk up. Looks enormous in comparison.



It looks fantastic! As much as I know 43 grams are a lot... Btw, noob question: how do you know when it's ready for harvest?