First grow. Are they healthy? When to flower? PICS


Hey everybody,
I have been babying the plant that I posted here a few months ago.

I figured out it was female(?)

A friend took her and put her under a 1000watt light for a week and we cut 12 clones. I grew the clones under a single T5 'jumpstart' hanging light setup. They seem to love the T5 as it reaches toward the light and looks healthy and green.

Time came to purchase an actual grow light. After reading lots and lots about LEDs I just decided to take a 600 watt hps/mh for my little operation. I purchased some smart pots, fox farm soil and some nutrients "Espoma bio-tone starter plus" and mixed some of that into the soil and transplanted the best looking clones.

I got the light and hung it up as can be seen in the picture in my closet. My closet is on the other side of the room from the window, this was not going to be pleasant for venting and smell so a 4x4x6.5 grow tent is on the way.

The three clones that I transplanted are looking very healthy, and I am wondering when I can flower them. They are a little less than a foot tall, but as you can see they are quite bushy (maybe).

Anyways, some feedback would be nice. I think the plants like the light hanging from the side.
