First Grow Attempt (Outdoor)


Well-Known Member
Lower 48, cubs are going to be picked up by fish and game if they haven't already. This just happened, so keep your eyes peeled in the news
Lookin good Smokey!! Couple of months and we'll all be sittin fat!! I have a question though. How much water are you givin 'em, and how often? If you already said, my bad. I'm just curious to compare with my plants' needs up here in WA.

Come back!
Well I have 2 jugs that each hold 5 gallons. I was just taking one and distributing it between all of them, but now I'm doing one and a half. Eventually I plan on just giving them all 10 gallons. I try to water every other day, but sometimes it's every third... It all depends on my work schedule. :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Lower 48, cubs are going to be picked up by fish and game if they haven't already. This just happened, so keep your eyes peeled in the news
damn dude! that's pretty nuts. it's one thing to walk up on a brown or black bear, but a fucking grizzly! glad to hear your dad made it though. and damn lucky he was able to kill mother bear. what kind of pistol did your dad have? and how many times did he shoot it?
that's intense man. he could be on that show "I Survived" with a story like that


Well-Known Member
That is what I was telling my mom, but she didn't wanna hear it last night. He is doing great, just got of the phone with my friend who got my dad outta there. He had an old .41 Magnum revolver. One shot is all he got off. They had to go back last night and tranquilize the cubs. F&G shot the momma bear 3 more times before approaching the bear, (apparently it wasn't dead completely, but dying in a ravine after it rolled down an embankment). 300lbs old momma, my friend said that each claw was as long or longer than his fingers. Stood a little over 6 feet. Slashed face Broken jaw, broken ribs, and a chomped leg. I would say he came away from that a lot better than most would expect.


Well-Known Member


what up man your plants are lookin nice and bushy, where did you get the seeds and what kind of plants arey they?


Well-Known Member
I live 2500 miles from where this took place. My folks moved out there last year when my dad retired. Thanks for looking out tho, I wouldn't jeopardize my security that foolishly.. haha
what up man your plants are lookin nice and bushy, where did you get the seeds and what kind of plants arey they?
Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I didnt start these from seed... They were clones I got through a friend. And I listed the strains on page 1, but I have 1 Granddaddy Purp, 2 Super Silver Haze, and 3 Purple Kush :weed:
lol yea yea, go ahead and copy my schematics picture.. :-) :peace:
let's burn one soon tho. got some dank dank DANK! :weed:
Borrowed the idea, but I one upped you with the paint skills. :hump:Ha ha. I work through Friday, but I think I'm gonna pick Emilio up after work from the train station so we should smoke at your spot on the way back or something.
:blsmoke:So I gave the girls a drink today... All seem to be looking good! The tall ones are 4+ ft. My only real problem is that I have some grasshoppers munching on my leaves. Any suggestions? Also, I was considering some sort of simple drip system... Any links to articles or threads on this?



Well-Known Member
do you have a water source to draw from or are you going to bring up a res? if you bring up a res mix and refill every time you visit, clean every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
I was planning on using like a 50 gallon drum if available... Thanks for the advice!:joint:

one with a nozzle already on it? (its much easier to manage one that already has a nozzle on it) I thought you meant a 25 gal or something.... thats a lot of stirring and mixing..... but then again if your not up a couple times a week you might come back and just have to refill it ;)....... those ladies will go through 50 gallons FAST! :D

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i think you got it. i use a trash can with a lid. trash can is spray painted camo. i just scoop the water out with a jug, one gallon at a time. i only have to fill the trash can once a month(50 gal.) i bring jugs out on my quad, which leaves tracks, so once a month is better than every week. get urself some landscape drippers at lowes, they also have the hose u will need. u must realize that this adds complexity, but saves you time in the long run. you'll have to haul lots of water at once(what a chore). if you spring a leak, you lose all ur water. dont trust this system, u will still want to check on your regular basis.