First Grow Attempt (Outdoor)


Well-Known Member
No clones, but I'm really really looking forward to sparking some up :eyesmoke:And by the way, your avatar is beautiful...

I went out and watered lastnight on my way back up to school from a little weekend trip down south... It was dark so I couldn't get any pics, but I do have some from the time before that I never put up so Ill do so now. If anybody out there could give a rough estimate of how long til harvest I would really appreciate it. I'll probably still get a little magnifying device to be sure though. Thanks to all who are still following. I'm sorry the journal has slowed down so much... School is a bitch right now
very nice smokey :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
For sure. I doubt I'll even try something like this again... It has been way more work and much more difficult than I originally anticipated. Might as well just wait a couple years til I have a house of my own and do it there. :peace:
I feel ya bro! I tried my first outdoor guerrilla op this year... and it is much tricker than anticipated. It is much harder to acheive optimal results when you can't visit them that easily. As for the indoors... Well you don't get the power of the sun... but you sure do eliminate many other variables that can wreck havoc on a guerrilla op. Props for what you have acheived so far... I am battling bud worms and blight at the moment in my OD op.
nice grow man, they must not be flying helicopters where u live, my 4 outdoors are racing with the cold weather to be harvested. i just hope the first frost doesnt come to early. im kinda curious to se how much dry weight that those babies average after harvesting.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
good job. arent u worryd bout a helicopter or something looks like it could be stealthier.
i'd be more worried about the other man. the one that i even hate to say the name. the person that stumbles upon your bounty, and tears the shit outta it!!!!!!! fuckin rippers. god, i hate thieves. good luck, guess you figured that shit is finishing up at different times, since different breeds. take a bud wen you think they are near, dry it, and smoke it. thats the surest way.:joint:
i'd be more worried about the other man. the one that i even hate to say the name. the person that stumbles upon your bounty, and tears the shit outta it!!!!!!! fuckin rippers. god, i hate thieves. good luck, guess you figured that shit is finishing up at different times, since different breeds. take a bud wen you think they are near, dry it, and smoke it. thats the surest way.:joint:
That is definitely a big worry of mine, the spot is pretty secluded though... I'm pretty sure I'd be devastated if I went out and found that all my hard work had vanished :-?

I'm planning on going out to water today so I'll take some more pictures (assuming everything goes smoothly). The last pics I posted were from exactly a week ago. Stay tuned...:joint:
Here are some pics... Shitty iPhone camera doesn't exactly capture all the detail. Sorry they are a little late, I've been busy with school :-| I'm heading out tomorrow so I should be able to get some good ones with my digi cam. The weather got quite a bit colder this week so I should be seeing some more purple :mrgreen: Stay high!!! :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Looks pimpin bro.. I feel ya on the Iphone quality...still, you will have some wonderful nuggies come harvest time!
Here are some pics... Shitty iPhone camera doesn't exactly capture all the detail. Sorry they are a little late, I've been busy with school :-| I'm heading out tomorrow so I should be able to get some good ones with my digi cam. The weather got quite a bit colder this week so I should be seeing some more purple :mrgreen: Stay high!!! :eyesmoke:
BUSH for real:peace:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::joint:
Watered today... Definitely liking the purple :mrgreen: Most likely going to harvest early next week on the 3 Purple Kush's. Got homework to do so im out :peace:

