First Grow Attempt


Active Member
Just thought I would get some opinions on my first attempt at growin.
plants r 28 days today from seed. Used MG seedling starter, distilled water
temps r 82 and humidity is 60

seeds r bag seed from a buddy for first attempt

Any tips would be sweet, have a look in the gallery, I tried to get some good pix

Any info would definately be a plus...



Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start, what are your grow conditions? such as space, lighting etc. I'm growing in closets and using both CFL's and FLO Tubes (shop lights) I'm assuming by the age of your plants you are using lights other than FLO's.


Active Member
Im using cfl's , i have 6 23w cfl's at the moment, in a melimine grow box.
not sure if the plants r the right size for 28 days, look really short to me,but its my first time so not sure how they r supposed to be...

As for flower,veggin , im still reasearchin, and for nutrients, up in the air there too..



Well-Known Member
The plants in your gallery they look about right for 28 days under CFL, Mine are about a month old and they are slightly smaller than yours because I started them under shop light flo's,

I heard about CFL light and put some plants under them, WOW! they started to glow like crazy compared to the shop lights. I'm going to grow some under CFL and some under the old shoplights to see the difference in growth, so far the compacts are much better.

Do you have any pics of your setup?