Hi all, noobie here. This is my first post and my first grow. I got fed up of paying silly prices and getting random measures / quality so i thought i'd give growing my own a shot.
I've been given seeds by some friends who grown in a green house and have no idea what seeds I've got! I've built myself a small grown room inside my attic conversion and bought a 400w HPS from a friend of a friend, I only paid £10 for it so am v happy.
Anyway I thought I'd do a grow journal to show peeps what I've done and get advice as until a few weeks ago I knew nothing.
I'm about 4 weeks in for my first plant, I realise now that I wish I'd marked some dates down so I know where I am with things. I started with just one plant to see what happened then after reading about the chances of males I thought I should start another over a week ago.
I'm waiting for my extractor fan to be delivered before my room will be finished and I hope to tidy up the wiring situation sometime soon. The air from the extractor will be vented out to the left into the attic void, you can see on the left where the hole is for this, there is a board to cover the big gap which I'll cut a hole in the size of the ducting (4").
I've attached some photos let me know what you think. Also if anyone could tell me what the brown spot is on one of the pictures that'll be great as I think I've over watered but am not sure.

I've been given seeds by some friends who grown in a green house and have no idea what seeds I've got! I've built myself a small grown room inside my attic conversion and bought a 400w HPS from a friend of a friend, I only paid £10 for it so am v happy.
Anyway I thought I'd do a grow journal to show peeps what I've done and get advice as until a few weeks ago I knew nothing.
I'm about 4 weeks in for my first plant, I realise now that I wish I'd marked some dates down so I know where I am with things. I started with just one plant to see what happened then after reading about the chances of males I thought I should start another over a week ago.
I'm waiting for my extractor fan to be delivered before my room will be finished and I hope to tidy up the wiring situation sometime soon. The air from the extractor will be vented out to the left into the attic void, you can see on the left where the hole is for this, there is a board to cover the big gap which I'll cut a hole in the size of the ducting (4").
I've attached some photos let me know what you think. Also if anyone could tell me what the brown spot is on one of the pictures that'll be great as I think I've over watered but am not sure.