First Grow- Aurora Indica


Well-Known Member
I agree with DCgrow, one of the best CFL grows ive seen, very well played. Bud formation is real nice. Now just sit tight and watch those nugs swell!


Active Member
35 days of 12/12
91 Days from Germination

Hi all, every week seems to bring on some more beautiful growth. The plants are flowering like CRAZY !!!!!!!!!!. All of my cola sites are between 4 and 11" and at last count I had around 45 sites. The buds are very thick and dense. They do have an odd odor, like spice and rotting fruit. my center plant is yellowing, it seems to be a week or so ahead of the others in terms of flowering. I don't think it is an issue, I think it is the natural proses. My nutes are Fox Farms Tiger and Big Bloom, at 1/2 strength and molasses at 1 tbl per gallon of water. I give nutes every other water. The PH for all plants is ranging from 6.7
-6.9. I am thinking 4 more weeks or so. I plan a full flush in two weeks. Please have a look and comment.

I turned off the lights for better photos.



Active Member
Beautiful, I can only hope for results like this, one week into flower for my Aurora. If the weeks to come are kind, you should have some gorgeous buds at harvest, and as we learn we can only grow better. Keep up the excellent work.
Yep one of the best CFL grows ive seen

what do you use to screw those CFLs into i know its a mogul socket, but do you convert from stan bulb socket?


Active Member
I purchased the mogul sockets from the same place I got the bulbs, I then made CFL reflectors from wood and dryer vent tubing. What I learned was it would have been easier to purchase the reflectors that have the socket built in. I spent about 100 to build 5 reflectors and another 50 for the sockets. I could of purchased them for around the same price. My wife is starting a new grow tent with herbs ( basil and such) and she purchased the bulb (125w 6500k) and reflector combo for 75$. I'm not sure if you can convert a standard socket, or how that would be done.


I was wondering what your are you using for your odor control setup? And also was your tent sealed (zippers/velcro) all the way around?

I saw you mention within the last page or so about the odor becoming a problem and I'm still figuring out if I can risk a grow attempt because of smell.


Active Member
I was wondering what your are you using for your odor control setup? And also was your tent sealed (zippers/velcro) all the way around?

I saw you mention within the last page or so about the odor becoming a problem and I'm still figuring out if I can risk a grow attempt because of smell.
I am using a home made carbon scrubber, I think the 160 CFM fan is not large enough for my grow. I was using a small computer fan as an intake fan during the summer, but now that is is late fall/early winter here I am using it to help blow air into my exhaust. When I added it the smell was reduced. My next grow will be Northern Lights, I have read that is is a very low odor strain. You can find the directions for home made scrubbers online, or buy one premade. If you buy one make sure you can re fill it ( change the carbon) . You need to chose a strain that is low odor, this indica has a odor that is unrecognizable, but apparent. I added an air freshener in the room and that also helped. I can no longer open the window in the room due to the almost winter temps outside.

Yes my tent is fully zippered, but air can still escape, The draw from the fan needs to be enough to creat a lower air pressure in the tent.

your grow looks great, congrats. You might have a find a little better odor control if you place your carbon scrubber at the top of your tent on the inside and use your fan to pull the hot air through as opposed to pushing it.


Active Member
your grow looks great, congrats. You might have a find a little better odor control if you place your carbon scrubber at the top of your tent on the inside and use your fan to pull the hot air through as opposed to pushing it.
That was my first intention, but I made the scrubber to big and it would not fit in my tent :cry:


Active Member
I purchased the mogul sockets from the same place I got the bulbs, I then made CFL reflectors from wood and dryer vent tubing. What I learned was it would have been easier to purchase the reflectors that have the socket built in. I spent about 100 to build 5 reflectors and another 50 for the sockets. I could of purchased them for around the same price. My wife is starting a new grow tent with herbs ( basil and such) and she purchased the bulb (125w 6500k) and reflector combo for 75$. I'm not sure if you can convert a standard socket, or how that would be done.
Let me start by saying, I am in no way knocking your CFL set up, it is obviously working nicely, just thought I'd throw out a little FYI for the future, because I think it may help your plants/buds be a little more compact, giving you a better yield in the long run. I recently bought a 150w HPS bulb and hood from HTG Supply for $80, and a "damaged" 100w MH security light with bulb from a local home improvement store for $45, 50% off because it was missing the arm that would normally attach it to a house/building. For me these are great for my 2x2x6 foot space. I'm not sure what your decision making process for going with CFL was, I just wanted to let you know, if it's cost, there are options out there.


Active Member
The reason I do not use them is due to heat, humidity and condensation. I have no way to vent the heat out of the small room the tent is in. My wife would not let me cut holes in the side of our house. That would not be practical anyway because it will be less than -20 F here in a month or so. The heat the CFL's produce is very low.


Active Member
Fair enough. As I said, it's obviously working for you, and there's no use fixing what isn't broken. Just a little friendly info. :joint::mrgreen:

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
i was disappointed in my aurora indica's when i grew them outdoors this summer, i got unluck 7/10 males and the 3 females were pretty bad compared batch i had years ago. your's look beautiful +rep.

also, if heat is an issue but money isn't then investing in a blackstar led may be what you want, they are much higher quality LED flowering lights than years ago. i got a 500w and it puts out almost no heat but gives about as much lumens as a 300-400w hps.


Active Member
i was disappointed in my aurora indica's when i grew them outdoors this summer, i got unluck 7/10 males and the 3 females were pretty bad compared batch i had years ago. your's look beautiful +rep.

also, if heat is an issue but money isn't then investing in a blackstar led may be what you want, they are much higher quality LED flowering lights than years ago. i got a 500w and it puts out almost no heat but gives about as much lumens as a 300-400w hps.
That sounds very interesting, Do you use the LED for the entire grow, will it also work during veg? I could use a 500w led over the SCROG and a few of my 125w CFLS for side lighting. That sound like a great setup if it would work.


Active Member
Fair enough. As I said, it's obviously working for you, and there's no use fixing what isn't broken. Just a little friendly info. :joint::mrgreen:
Thanks for the input, all advice is welcome. This grow would not be possible without the knowledge from the members of this forum


Active Member
Day 42 of 12/12
Day 98 from Germination

The garden has about 3 week until harvest ! The buds are swelling nicely. I could not resist feeling the density of a bud. One of the buds on the middle plant has several golf ball sized buds, I gave one a light squeeze and it was VERY hard and extremely dense. Defiantly not light and fluffy. I think I have about 3 weeks more to go. I will try the 2 days of no light at the end.



Active Member
Thanks for the input, all advice is welcome. This grow would not be possible without the knowledge from the members of this forum
I couldn't agree more, a lot of reading and talking with other members has helped me come a long way from growing a random bag seed in a pot next to a window, once upon a time, haha.

P.S. Great pics, as always.