First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3


Active Member
so in thinking about it again, realizing it will be either a 4x4x4 cab for flowering, meaning 3 sheets of plywood, or 4x4x8 cab, meaning 5 sheets...

like starting next time in smart pots or fabric pots? or transplanting? i mean does it REALLY make a diff? these pots seem to be ok, and will DEF switch, but aren't they more expensive? will it be worth it?


Well-Known Member
I had pretty significant differences using plastic pots and the smart pots. How much are you paying for your pots? I got like 60 7 gal plastic pots for free so they are definitely more expensive than that. I want to say 3g are $2.50, 5g $3.50, 7g $4.50, 10g $5.50... My 65g are like $12 which is a shit ton less expensive than a plastic 65g ;)

If I find pics comparing the two want me to post em here?


Active Member
absolutely! 65 gallon pots? wtf kind of monster lives in those??? i wana see! lol

my 1000's cost me 1.50 each. i suppose a dollar more wouldn't b too bad. i mean i can only fit a certain size in this veg cab. i guess that's my question. will the pot size I'm using now end up being too small for a 4x4x8 cab? i can't really go all that much bigger. i may be able to do the 5gal. definitely interested in the smart pot. whats the diff? i mean whats a smart pot compared to a fabric pot? i guess i don't know anything about fabric pots either...but like i said i have limited space at least now in my veg cab...

lol a 65 gallon pot is like...bigger than my entire cab. lol, fish tank spec wise at least...volume is volume...

well at least with plants know what i mean


Well-Known Member
That pot in my tent is a 65g pot. I have several outside for tomatoes as well.

So this is more of a comparison between smaller plastic and larger smartpot, so not conclusive on whether it was the room or the pot. Comparing the outer 9. Here they are in plastic pots pretty much the same size started the same time and treated all the same.

This is a week and a half after transplanted into the smartpots.

Spider Goo x ?

Vet Seed:

White Russian x White Russian - Showing pistols

Chocolope 3


Let me know if you want these pics gone after u look at em.


Well-Known Member
That pot in my tent is a 65g pot. I have several outside for tomatoes as well.
How big is the plant in your 65 gallon pot? I used to use 7 gallon pots for mothers. The plants were monsters, had stalks as thick as a baseball bat, and put off over 100 clones per plant every 1 1/2 weeks. I can't imagine how big your plants must be in those pots. They must weigh just over 100 pounds after you water them. I water my 2 gallon pots 1 liter every other day. Are you feeding those plants in the 65g pots like 8 gallons every watering or what?

Can you post some pics please. I've seen pots that big used in outdoor grows but never on indoor plants.


Well-Known Member
How big is the plant in your 65 gallon pot? I used to use 7 gallon pots for mothers. The plants were monsters, had stalks as thick as a baseball bat, and put off over 100 clones per plant every 1 1/2 weeks. I can't imagine how big your plants must be in those pots. They must weigh just over 100 pounds after you water them. I water my 2 gallon pots 1 liter every other day. Are you feeding those plants in the 65g pots like 8 gallons every watering or what?

Can you post some pics please. I've seen pots that big used in outdoor grows but never on indoor plants.
Check out my current/last grow of my 600w organic tent thread (in my sig). They drink 5-8g around every 3 days.

These tomatoes are in a 65g - they are at 5' in this pic, hit 8' before starting to flower... Tomatoes do NOT need as many amendments as pot - lessen learned!

again lemme know if you want this removed radeon - will take no offense, I dont wan't to load your thread with my pics.


Active Member
no need to get rid of them, this is my place of learning! i only oppose the REPOSTING of pics i posted in order to quote them...and thats not even a big deal, wouldn't mind if my first real thread turns out to be 100 pages long lol...

that being said, holy SHIT thats a huge difference! ur saying the pots around the outside are regular plastic, and the ones in the middle are smart pots, which are the fabric pots? just trying to be as many comparative or informative (or just pretty) pics as u want!

great post man, gorgeous plants.


Active Member
lol thats awesome. definitely planning on staring some herbs and veggies at some point. have to justify this hobby to the wife SOMEHOW ;-)

no way a 65 will ever fit into the cabs i have now, but definitely will be using smart pots next time i clone or sprout. what a difference!


Well-Known Member
For the comparison ignore the two big plants in the center - they are a different age. The first pic is all 9 plants in plastic pots before transplant. The pics later are of half of the original 9 in smart pots and the other half still in plastic - pretty big difference. The last pic is them all together - again ignore the two largest center plants as they are a week or two older.

Those are either 3 or 5g or a mix of both. I want to say they are 3g and the two older plants in the middle were 5g. In the end the plants that had more soil/went into the smart pots yielded 50-100% more than the plants left in plastic. Plastic pots I think are 1.5g.


Well-Known Member
Check out my current/last grow of my 600w organic tent thread (in my sig). They drink 5-8g around every 3 days.
I can only imagine the growth rates you get with enough light and a root mass that huge. Must be several inches every day. It would be interesting to see a 1 week or even few day time lapse video or picture series of your cannabis plant in that giant pot.

I'll check out your thread. Being sub'd to so many threads I didn't even know I wasn't on yours.


Well-Known Member
Here - That's a 7g plastic monrovia pot next to two 3 or 5g smart pots. IMO the smart pot plants look much better. Same aged plants.



Active Member
shorter, but bushier with tighter node spacing. wider leaves. beautiful. i noticed my new(er) plants have waayyy wider leaves. is this good? they seem to be growing faster. they don't have QUITE as much soil as the other 6, but it doesn't seem to matter. helps if you don't near kill them at the very beginning. lol.

definitely planning on getting my flower cab started soon. fucking expensive sport here. lol. i don't even have one yield yet with which to justify these expenses, but having a BALL and learning a ton. guna be pretty excited to not have to buy produce

just looked at my profile. i have 46 of my posts liked, and none liked by me. weird. how does one like a thread? obviously liking an individual post by each person doesn't seem to do if someone posts and at the bottom of it theres a like right? fuckn annoying that a button that supposedly "likes" a post doesn't do anything...


Active Member

Gastanker likes this.

but it won't count as a like given...

anyway. haven't decided on a ballast hood or anything yet. but i think i will try n get some more plywood to make my new cab. as far as lighting is concerned, i may go for the non-dimmable...cheaper...


Well-Known Member
Thread likes are just the total number of likes from all the posts added up.

Yup, theres a cheap dimmable package.

I can only imagine the growth rates you get with enough light and a root mass that huge. Must be several inches every day. It would be interesting to see a 1 week or even few day time lapse video or picture series of your cannabis plant in that giant pot.

I'll check out your thread. Being sub'd to so many threads I didn't even know I wasn't on yours.
I actually have the entire grow with progression pics posted here


Active Member
if i click on my profile though, in the left nav panel it says likes received (50) and likes given (0)...?? hells up wid dat?

think that dimmable would b ok gastanker? im like even considering going old school and getting a magnetic 1000 watt for super cheap and just going that way. i may have to. lights are expensive!


Well-Known Member
if i click on my profile though, in the left nav panel it says likes received (50) and likes given (0)...?? hells up wid dat?

think that dimmable would b ok gastanker? im like even considering going old school and getting a magnetic 1000 watt for super cheap and just going that way. i may have to. lights are expensive!
why dont you just go with a 400w HID light. can pick up a whole kit for a little over 100 bucks. i was thinking of going with the 1000w dimmable but i think the 400w will serve me just fine and i dont plan on going huge any time soon. anyways just a thought. also if you ever want to up the scale of your grow just get another 400 or 600w light for 100-150 bucks still about the same price as a 1000w kit and you have more options for placing your 2 lights :)


Well-Known Member
As much as I rave about nice dimmable digital ballasts a good magnetic is pretty dependable as well. I would NEVER buy a shitty magnetic (fire hazard), but you can get a quality one for pretty damn cheap and they allow you to run CMHs. They are louder and hotter but in your basement it probably doesn't matter. They are also slightly less efficient and without dimming cost even more to run electric wise but they are still great ballasts. I want to say my buddies high end magnetic is nicer than my HTG digital.

My personal recommendation will always be a quality dimmable digital ballast. The others will totally work and for you may be better but for me I would always pay the extra for the brand name dimmable digital.

You need to give some likes... See at the bottom right of my post there is a tiny word "like"? Click on that ;) If you don't see it right away hit refresh.