First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

Males will not cause hermi they will just pollinate your females. You are safe until the pollen sacks are completely developed and have opened - warning though, they can go from immature to opened in just a couple days.

Mostly unopened - the very bottom right one could be leaking pollen.


You should have enough time to make a proper ID

Wow, cloth grow pots seem a ton more expensive online than at my local shop. I don't recommend HTG for much but they seem to have some fairly affordable ones -
i found (at least in my grow) that the males showed way before females so chances are if you get 3 males showing now the rest are most likely females, this isnt a 100% safe theory but with my grow thats what happened and males generally tend to show faster than females. give them a bit of time to make sure they are males and take some pics and put em up we can also help you determine (if you need)
so. did it. got the veg cab up and running. moved the 3 smaller plants in there and is running 20/4. the bigger cab is NOW a FLOWERING cab. 12/12. day one of flowering began at 6pm tonight. exciting! can't wait to see what happens to the 6 in flower...gotta get some diff nutes now for flowering. guna wait on pics for a couple days...try n get some difference to post
lol i gotta at LEAST wait til 6 tonight when their lights come back on...

and i was still thinking of waiting at least another day or two...wana see SOME difference.
a small refrigerator or freezer is the ultimate grow box. light-tight, insulated, white on inside already, and they have an excuse for making noise. if your seedlings are lanky, bury some of that extra stem when you transplant.
Wow, cloth grow pots seem a ton more expensive online than at my local shop. I don't recommend HTG for much but they seem to have some fairly affordable ones - .................that black weed-block fabric is the same material as the cloth "breathing" grow bags. i bought a roll of it for $7 and made (10) 3 gal bags, and (2) 6 gal bags.
yeah...idk about a fridge for a grow room. with it on? and theres no superstructure to mount lights to, and venting would be a bitch...i guess running cooling while running a light inside MIGHT balance out. but...i mean. talk about wasting energy. no thanks. i like my lil cfl cabs. they are working beautifully! check out some more of the thread...

i like the idea about the roll of weed blocking fabric though.
if you could rig the fridge to kick on at 77 degrees to keep it at the right temp it wouldnt be a bad idea but the refridgerator is going to want to keep that area at like 30
dude matt just read thru the first 6 pages of this thread again...rotfl

sooooo funny to see how far I've come...ur first post here is about where i stopped. looking forward to more good reading when i get to work lol.

slash i burnt the FUCK outta those lil funny

i gotta get a pic of the current setup. I'm proud. lol. it looks BALLER with both cabs doors open :-) hurts the eyes a lil tho lol
a full sized reefer would be a great grow cab with lots of modifications. would also have the freezer area for storage of nutes and other shit.

you would have to guy it first and probally take out the refrigeration unit and figure out a way to intake and exaust through the back. im sure it could be done with good planning
yeah i just read through some of my own thread and realized i was doing decent with my grow at one point LOL. my red wriggler composting worms got shipped yesterday and they should be here tomorow or saturday. once i get them into my bin they are gonna compost like crazy, the 70 worms i have in there now are composting slow but still composting, imagine once i get another 1000 worms in there. im hoping ill have some good usable compost in 2 weeks to kick off my next grow as ill have my veg cab and flower cab up and running. going to run my blue cheese and frisan dew strains first since i have 5 of each bean this will allow for a little error.

going to do a mix of happy frog, perilite, pro mix, compost...fully organic, im not sure if im going to use my MG nutrients or just water with some compost tea that i can make easily and keep the grow 100% organic.

im going to start off vegging 2 plants, 1 is going to get ScROGed and the other is going to get big enough to give me some nice clones to stay in vegg then go to flower and my perpetual will begin. i want to harvest 2 plants every 2 weeks 1 dew and 1 cheese so i have a variety, once i feel i am ready for another strain i will get or make some collidal silver and hermie 2 of the flowering plants and "try" and make some feminized crosses of the blue cheese and the frisan dew. then i will have a bunch of unknown crosses to play with for a outdoor grow this summer.

did you post any pics of new cab?

i need to find a nice spot for a small guerilla grow and get to work early spring on digging some holes and getting some of my mixture in them. i just dont know what im going to do with all this bud >< but its too dam fun to grow to not grow it lol.
haha i totally feel ya...i havent yet yielded ANYTHING but i feel the same way lol.

no pics of the new cab quite yet, will do so this evening when i check on my babies. worried about how cold it gets in there during the night cycle. my guess is a low of 57, and thats being generous...think that will be a problem?

i dont yet have temps on the new cab, have intake/output holes drilled, but since the 3 that are in there started in the big pots, there is like NO room in the veg cab. definitely need to use smaller pots for vegging. will get a temp reading later tonight after the others wake up...

i definitely wana use some of my own compost, but its an outdoor pile that hasnt quite developed yet. it will be a while. i have thought about starting an indoor container for composting. will go organic at some point, and would LOVE to do an outdoor grow. we will definitely have to talk about it at some point matt!
i dont think the low temps are as much as a problem as the high temps, i may be wrong tho. all i know is last summers outdoor grow my ladies caught a couple frosts and seemed to be fine afterwards, i ended up chopping early due to bud rot but they took the frost. remember man there alot of climates that temps drop tremendously at night. as long as daytime temps stay in the 70's its pretty optimal growing, nightime dosent matter because they arent making food just utilizing stored food they made during the day. I THINK (my disclaimer when im talking about shit im not 100% on )

i did see a guy doing a outdoor winter grow a while back and temps were dropping down to 30-32 at night. is plants didnt look the best but they were growing
Damn compost. I raked leaves up today and there are way too many. Spent an hour or two making long lines and covering them in thin layers of dirt and watering to promote composting - looks like I have my own small scale windrow operation going. I'm jealous of your worms. I have two local worm farms and written several papers on the subject but I still haven't gotten around to my own vermiculture setup. I wonder how fast they would go through several hundred pounds of leaves.
Damn compost. I raked leaves up today and there are way too many. Spent an hour or two making long lines and covering them in thin layers of dirt and watering to promote composting - looks like I have my own small scale windrow operation going. I'm jealous of your worms. I have two local worm farms and written several papers on the subject but I still haven't gotten around to my own vermiculture setup. I wonder how fast they would go through several hundred pounds of leaves.

depends on the scale of your setup. but seriously i setup my bin and it is NO maintenance, i think i have had it for over a week and i turned it once and watered it once. i only have 72-+ worms in there right now and they seem to be decomposing things fairly well. it really is easy to get started you should get r done man, no smell either and mine is right next to my desk.

i am getting 1lb wich is around 1000 worms (im sure they dont count them) thisi many worms in my small setup should decompose relativly fast, maybe 2 weeks before i need to add more bedding/food to the bin. just with small bins you have to remember to use less green material as it causes heat that will kill the worms.
yeah i just read through some of my own thread and realized i was doing decent with my grow at one point LOL. my red wriggler composting worms got shipped yesterday and they should be here tomorow or saturday. once i get them into my bin they are gonna compost like crazy, the 70 worms i have in there now are composting slow but still composting, imagine once i get another 1000 worms in there. im hoping ill have some good usable compost in 2 weeks to kick off my next grow as ill have my veg cab and flower cab up and running. going to run my blue cheese and frisan dew strains first since i have 5 of each bean this will allow for a little error.

going to do a mix of happy frog, perilite, pro mix, compost...fully organic, im not sure if im going to use my MG nutrients or just water with some compost tea that i can make easily and keep the grow 100% organic.

im going to start off vegging 2 plants, 1 is going to get ScROGed and the other is going to get big enough to give me some nice clones to stay in vegg then go to flower and my perpetual will begin. i want to harvest 2 plants every 2 weeks 1 dew and 1 cheese so i have a variety, once i feel i am ready for another strain i will get or make some collidal silver and hermie 2 of the flowering plants and "try" and make some feminized crosses of the blue cheese and the frisan dew. then i will have a bunch of unknown crosses to play with for a outdoor grow this summer.

did you post any pics of new cab?

i need to find a nice spot for a small guerilla grow and get to work early spring on digging some holes and getting some of my mixture in them. i just dont know what im going to do with all this bud >< but its too dam fun to grow to not grow it lol.

Upon reviewing this list of bomb ass ingredients you are using, you should bag the stuff and market it. I'll bet you could outsell Fox Farm. I would recommend using tea as opposed to any MG, and it isn't just b/c I don't care for the Scott's Corp. Teas are what activate the rest of that good stuff you are making. After I do my mix, I like to moisten it with molasses tea and let it sit in a warm place for a few weeks prior to using. That really gets the microbes rocking.
ahh always nice seeing them pics man, and everytime you post i think back to them seedlings and cant believe they actually bounced back like that!!!