First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

you guys all ROCK! seriously this is awesome. i will definitely be taking all advice into account...

NOT such a good day for me as a grower however. so the spot that i had marked off for my cab was in a nice discreet location in my house, but failed to realize while building that it would not fit thru the doorway. IDIOT!

that was issue number one of today. issue number two you ask? well, let me tell you!

dropped one of my fixtures. 3 brand new bulbs destroyed. WICKED awesome. will update with pics of the quasi finished cab after work. everything is done except the ventilation, but won't need that for a bit. its cold where the cab is so I'm hoping that the temps will stay low over the winter...may even do just passive intakes/outtakes...
aight. finally done. well...done enough for the moment.

raw materials


almost done...


done with lights running










ok so this last pic is a close of the soil. i wouldn't say its MOIST but its still...slightly retaining moisture...these haven't been watered and it is day 11 of this grow.


so i need to water soon. i should pick up some 20 20 20 nutes and just follow directions, yes? then to like 15 30 15 for flower? but i need to know soon, and to know if i have waited too long to water...i hope the awesome people that have been here so far will continue to help a brother out! lol...looking for ANY and ALL suggestions. as one could see, the box has NO intake or outake yet, as the box is located in an unfinished basement...that is technically a garage. it gets cold. not sure exactly how cold, but i will have approximate temps tomorrow...

THIS IS THE FIRST NIGHT THAT THESE (HOPEFULLY) LIL LADIES HAVE HAD A NIGHT!!! ...just got a timer and since they are experiencing a shock with the transition to the colder environment, figured it would be a good time to introduce other elements as well. so the real question here is, how cold can they be? day cycle isn't a problem...if i do an internal fan with maybe small passive intake/outakes the cfls should keep the temps high enough. during night tho I'm worried it might get down to say...55 degrees? maybe possibly slightly cooler, but the cube is located within a yard of my furnace, and it should help a lot...

WHAT YOU GUYS THINK??? HOW THEY LOOK? will they survive? do i need to alter something immediately? i need to water soon...can i water the first time with nutes? are the nutes i mentioned adequate? how exactly do i water them? enough to come out the bottom then stop? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

i will have to transplant on friday. i will try to get the biggest that will fit 7 in my cube. i may even get another 2 fixtures, with another total of 8 bulbs...this is a SHIT ton of light...sounds nice on paper or on screen, but shit my EYES hurt when i went down to check on them...craziness...

really hope this isn't too long to read lol...hope you guys can give me some more pointers! i finally learned how to sub a thread, pm someone, +rep, etc...not sure exactly the etiquette involved so far but lol...seem to be doing ok...please +rep me!!!!

look forward to responses guys...and or gals...
dont give em nuets yet until the 2nd week and start them off at 1/4 the recommended amount hey those bulb splitters look like mine where u get em from?home depot?
I have 6 CFL on 1 plant in flower and I need more it isnt enough.
I think 12 cfl on all your plants in veg is ok but once they get into flower, damn do they grow
OOh those babies are stretching. do you have maybe a little fan on them to make them stronger
plus your losing a TON of light out of those walls there, lol even lined white paper along the inside is better than that! lol
post pics soon
nope mylars too high my friend unless you would like to spend it but go to sports authority and get 2 maybe 3 but two will be enough its enough for my closet anyways thyre 2.60 a pop cant beat it
theyll grow like hell during veg if its done right heat can slow it down so make sure its not to hot you know i dont and havent had shit for temps i just went off the instinct of could my ass survive in there
I have 6 CFL on 1 plant in flower and I need more it isnt enough.
I think 12 cfl on all your plants in veg is ok but once they get into flower, damn do they grow
lol thanks yalls...

yes skitnitti, the splitters are from the depot. same idea as urs. I'm debating now to get another 8 lights. i probably will. i think i have bigger problems then that though. i do need to water soon. any input on that guys? no nutes until at least next week, but i think they need water, probably today right?

ML75, thanks! and send me a link to a grow journal or something, id love to see your lady! i have a fan somewhere, and have been planning on putting it in, but it is really cold in the box, and they have only been in there one night...soon tho, more lights will make it warmer.

ace, is it really that bad? maybe the pics don't do it not saying its ideal or anything, but the plywood doesn't leak light, the seams are all sealed, the doors in front SUCK but i will be putting a seal all around them and then braces to lock it shut...

if mylar really is better i will go get some. the walls are painted white...and it hurt my eyes when i went to look at them lol but i guess that doesn't necessarily matter...nitti can i get mylar at home depot too? so i will list my questions i guess...

-mylar? all surfaces including floor? how much is it? get it at depot?

-double lights? there are 8 23watt cfls. lots of light. planned for 8 more anyway so...

-it is cold in there. 67 degrees fahrenheit. the lights have been on since 4am. they are also only 3 to 4 inches tops away from the lights...i suppose i could mount a shelf in there and move everything up...gotta seal those doors. any ideas?

-how much should i water them? i think its best to water in the AM right? is it too late today? the soil is JUST about dry id say. haven't watered them yet. i keep mentioning that. is that not weird? for the soil to take a week to dry out? 10 days?
i dont know about where you live but they dont sell mylar at home depot or anywhere around here..heres some from htg-> and with cfls you cant have too many, go nuts..if the temp of your box is gonna keep getting colder with the cold weather coming , id look into a small space heater, or if its warmer during the day change your light cycle to run at night..and i dont schedule my waterings, i just do it whenever the first few inches are dry, a week is kinda long for it to dry out, but your soils probably more compact than mine..and i water until i get runoff..hope this helps.
awesome man that really helps. I'm in the northeast and i didn't think there was mylar anywhere. I've heard of getting either emergency blankets at like dicks or another sporting goods store or getting mylar balloons. neither of these seem like they won't create the same hotspots that aluminum foil would but, hey I'm a noob. the entire inside is painted white...thought that would do. guess not?

i dig the idea of reversing the light cycle. thats a pretty good idea i think...i mean the plants will survive at that temp, but I'm looking for bud optimization, right? idk...i guess thats why I'm doing this! lol...

i think i will go water them in a few minutes here. thanks for the ideas...definitely helps! +rep
so i sealed the box up nice today. weather foam barrier stuff. works great barely leaking any light at all...need to patch up the inlet for the power, but other than that i think it should be good! interested to see the temps that the lights will produce overnight. there are NO intake/outtakes as of yet, and the box was heating up nicely (from 50 degrees)...

a minor tragedy has occurred; when adjusting a fixtures cord, it fell and snapped one of the seedlings stems. down to 6 ladies (hopefully). sad though. statistically chances are dropping...its ok though. learning experience.

up to 16 23watt bulbs now, with one in four being a 2700k bulb, the rest being 6500k. i think this is enough light, at least for now.

still haven't watered. lol. i will be doing that in the morning. no nutes yet. what is the ideal humidity? i believe I'm somewhere in the 40 to 50 percent range as of now, but that should increase with the heat, and once they get watered that will help too. i definitely plan on adding a diy sponge humidifier and c02 reactor.

question about light leakage; is the preservation of ALL light necessary? i.e. very little light at all is emitted from the boxes front, the doors. the seal seems pretty tight, and is cheap and easy to repair. the eyelet screws that hold the fixture up let a tinsy tiny bit of light out through them, and then of course the hole that i had to drill out of the back for power...its about an inch square...needs to get plugged. do i need to redo all the outer seams again with silicone or weather stripping? can i use just duct tape for the power hole?

found my fan finally. its a nice metal one, thinking of mounting it on the ceiling in the corner pointing down...yes/no? no intake or outtake yet, but idk if i can/will put one in due to temps...if it stays pretty cool without one over the winter, i may not do any. hmmm...

took a pic of the box in the dark but you can't see a thing at all. thought about posting it anyway...but I'm lazy. lol. its a black picture. nuff said. pretty excited to finally have this thing set up (mostly, always room for improvement)...

please any more pointers/suggestions would be awesome!

*i do have more seeds...tons more in fact. bagseed, but good badseed* should i germinate some more and/or start over? i will post pics of the lil ladies later, they look pretty sad i won't lie, but i figure i can always try again...just a thought...
picture of cab in darkness...good seal...


top down on 4 fixtures and 6 lil ladies (hopefully)


and close ups of a few




how about that wave effect eh? i assume its from the 60hz refresh rate of the cfls. weird. so. they look...ok...stretchy and leany...but ok. the temp SKYROCKETED when i sealed the doors. the temps were in the mid 80s...humidity was at like 28 percent. this will all change very rapidly. i put two cups with water and sponges in them (sponge exposed to air) to humidify. i will be putting in a 2 liter with a yeast culture to create c02 tomorrow. it is very rapidly approaching transplant time. OH I DID JUST WATER. just enough so water started coming out the bottom. let them drain off then put them back. anyway excited to transplant as the stretchiness can be fixed and avoided from now on. lesson learned. other than c02 and moisture, and being watered, i think they are good to grow. any suggestions/pointers are always welcome...just so everyones clear the bulbs are between 4 and 6 inches away from the leaves. this will change again when transplanted...closer...they will have more support and will be able to handle it better...i suppose...any corrections on that welcome. anyway thats enough for now...look forward to seeing some responses!
ideal humidity? ideal temp?

how big of a hole do i need to cut for an intake/outtake? I'm thinking 2 1 inch intake holes on each side towards the front bottom...and 2 1 inch output (lol just realized id been using outtake in place of output. niiiccceee...) up high on each side of the back. 1 inch hole should do it? i will see what the max temp is tomorrow morning...

want to incorporate some sort of scrubber/filter too. thinking just fitting the holes with PVC and filling part with activated carbon...
overnight, which is midday for the cube, max temp is 88 degrees fahrenheit 38 percent humidity...need to cut holes today. way too hot. humidity is ok though right?

need to get:

3 to 4 feet of 1 inch PVC

1 inch elbows

silicone sealant

1 inch drill bit

activated carbon

think it will be nice to have ducting inside the cube that can be moved and aimed. output will go in the top middle.
just checked the temp and humidity. down to 58 degrees mid-night cycle. humidity is up to 53 percent, so thats getting better. really worried about that low temp tho. is that guna be too low? ill be really bummed if i have to build another cab...a real indoor cab. grrr...