First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

hey man no probs i enjoy threads like yours gives me someone to shoot the shit with, these established grows seems like all i have to say to them is "looking good man"
hey man no probs i enjoy threads like yours gives me someone to shoot the shit with, these established grows seems like all i have to say to them is "looking good man"

lol. I hear ya. Not much to participate in with guys that know what they're doing! I appreciate any help you'll be giving me over the next couple months. heh

On a side note, How do I create a sig? I'd like to link my grow thread to my forum messages. I've been looking but either I'm real stupid or it is hidden away somewhere I cannot find.
lol. I hear ya. Not much to participate in with guys that know what they're doing! I appreciate any help you'll be giving me over the next couple months. heh

On a side note, How do I create a sig? I'd like to link my grow thread to my forum messages. I've been looking but either I'm real stupid or it is hidden away somewhere I cannot find.

top of the page "My rolliyup" then look on the left hand side for "edit signature"
so quiet. bump. lol. someone talk to me!!!

so im thinking a lot about this aquabubbleponics system...this is where i am at. im thinking i can use shallow tubs, about a foot or less, to put the net pots in. they would have to be opaque to not stimulate algae to grow...anyway one would go in each cab. they would have a drain tube leading back to the res, rather than having the res be right underneath the pots. my concern is that even if the res is highly oxygenated, the tubes will be too long to carry the good bubbliness to the net a bubbleponics system you are supposed to fill the res to JUST below the net pots, because the nutrient solution is so oxygenated, the ebb and flow isnt necessary, because the ebb gives the roots time to dry a lil and thus absorb o2. bubbleponics negates that necessity. so i am thinking a separate res, like a 30 gallon trash barrel, with lots of goldfish in them, and like at least 2 large airstones.

i think it could be done. willing to try at least. now i just need to get like 175 dollars worth of amazon stuff, without getting castrated in the process. i may for the first time, forgo the fish and do regular hydro nutes...idk tho my wife and i made an offer on a house, not that we would move THAT soon, but i kind of want to wait to try any new setups. then i could get that growzilla with 2 600 watt lumateks and an HPS and a MH bulb...mmmm...

on another note, the plants are doing well. they are really starting to bud up! lol this is totally still my first time, so i have nothing to base that on. they do look cool tho. TONS of white hairs. long ones. the buds dont seem like theyre very dense, but its early still yea? they will grow still? it will be time for a watering in the next few days here...also the leaves were fanning up a bit so i decided to try running without the interior fan. exhaust fan obv still going, but, wonder what kind of difference that will make, if any. the clones, oh the clones. so i realized that i should not have taken the entire shoot from the main stem and used that whole thing. that is why they are so tall. i believe they have rooted, but the distance from the medium to the first nodes is like 3 or 4 inches lol as u can see from the pics...anyway. they seem ok and lesson learned. i think tomorrow is the day to take 2 more clones. maybe saturday. either way, time to take 2 more. i bet they root and start growing faster than the first two lol. or maybe not since the plants are farther into flower...

i will probably post some pics tonight, but i wold LOVE some guesses as to how much longer until harvest. i know thats pretty impossible, but just an estimate would be nice. a goal. what you guys think? 3 weeks? 4?
i would say 6 more weeks. dont worryy about the long stems, if they bother you that much just add some more soil to the pot and bury the stem to desired height.

im gonna do a quick aquabubbleponics drawing in a little bit for you lemme know what you think :) may be able to get most of the supplies cheap and not pay 175$ (less chance of castration) :)
Alright here we go. things you will need!!!!

2-4 airpumps w/ airstones (theres 4 in drawing but i was thinking larger scale when i started)
2 totes, 1 20 gal deep and 1 20 gallon shallow.
hydroton clay pellets
a water pump dosent matter if its of great quality
netposts or rockwoll (probally optional but more support for young plants)
a frame to set all this shit on

what i have designed is a small aquaponics flood and drain system, verry simple in how it works. every 15 min (or whatever you choose maybe look into this a bit) the water pump will kick on for X amount of minutes, will have to monoter this the first couple times and make sure your not overflowing the top tote and not draining the bottom tote. there will be a small hole in a low spot in bottom of top tote that allows the tote to drain slower than the pump can pump water thus the water fills at a more rapid pace than it can drain eliminating the need for any other equipment (at first i was thinking a small sump pump). and thats it really, the roots of the plants will grow to the bottom of the tote and all throughout the hydroton......think it will work?

flood and drain aquaponics.jpg
dont make fun of my drawing man its best i can do with my limited artistic abilities and Paint LOL

all in all you could probally get away with spending maybe 100 bux
hahaha fucking AWESOME dude. i have never had the mind to try and design something with paint! kudos! anyway, yeah dude i think it would work...with a few minor changes. you can run as many airstones as you want off of one pump. so that eliminates some. the rest is essentially exactly what i have planned lol. except with two separate shallow tubs with 6 in holes cut in for the net pots. kinda like THIS! WABAM! lol first time...matts is WAAAYYY better get the idea though

so are you going to do a flood and drain or just a drip system?

bubbleponics seems like it would be kinda a bitch but it may work out alright.. 1 rezz no pumps and let the roots grow right into the same tank the fish are in something like this

the above method would ultimatly be the cheapest way to do it and the most basic, you could have all the fish right in the rezz and plants up top, all you would need is some air pumps and stones to create them bubbles.

dont forget the fish food
I think it is going to be a fairly difficult somewhat futile experiment although cool none the less. Without control over P and K levels and only minimal control over N levels they will likely grow pretty straggly with much more vegetation than buds. Not sure if you've ever grown a plant without any fertilizer but I would imagine that you would end up with something very similar if you manage to do everything correctly - pot is just such a heavy feeder. Green veggies on the other hand would love it.
Well technically you can dose straight potassium nitrate and potassium sulfate but you need to be really really careful. Think about it this way - typical DWC runs at 600-1200ppm. Aquaponics want to stay below 50ppm for healthy fish with anything over 100 being dangerous (Nitrate levels), as little as 1ppm nitrite can kill fish. I'm super curious though - it could totally work, i just wouldn't bank too much on it. Super fun experiment regardless.

From a fish site: "Maximum phosphate levels are 2 - 3 ppm with less than .05 ppm being ideal."

Hope I'm not raining on your parade, definitely not my intention.
Well technically you can dose straight potassium nitrate and potassium sulfate but you need to be really really careful. Think about it this way - typical DWC runs at 600-1200ppm. Aquaponics want to stay below 50ppm for healthy fish with anything over 100 being dangerous (N levels). I'm super curious though - it could totally work, i just wouldn't bank too much on it. Super fun experiment regardless.

so first run just use some junk bagseeds :)