First Grow - Bag Seeds - Advice welcomed.

I realized I was spending over $250 a month on weed and decide it would be better to grow plants to save cash.

I found some seeds in 3 different strains of weed that I bought last month but I can't remember what they were. none of which were mids tho.

so far I have a old mini fridge for the vegg cycle. there is a light bulb in there from my bath room. I'm not sure how many watts it is but I have 3 sockets in the fridge that I plan on putting 3 26w CFLs in to replace the bathroom bulb. They are currently on a 20/4 hour light cycle.

the mini fridge is 2ft w x 2ft h x 2ft l
there was two fans in there: 1 4" inch fan that I use for intake and 3 1/2" inch for exhaust.
(I don't know the he exact speeds but the 3 1/2" spins faster than the 4 inch)

I really only want one plant so I'm hope I get a female out of the 3 and I want it to stay under 2 feet tall, can anyone help me accomplish this?

I plan on posting every 2 or 3 days to up date you guys on the progress. Please feel free to advise me if you see any red flags, I'm new at this but I'm willing to learn if anyone is willing to teach.

these are pictures of my set up and the plants are about 4 days old now standing 3 inches tall.


one of the plants was planted a few days before the rest but its growing much slower for some reason.

I thought maybe I was over watering them but if that were so than why have only two wilted?


HELLA stretched. My plants are 2 inches high and already have their baby leaf set, single leaf set, 3 bladed leaf set, 5 bladed leaf set, and part of their 2nd 5 bladed leaf set. They are stretched. Not enough light! Is that a regular lightbulb in the first picture? Those don't work if it is!
at first I used a regular light bulb, I realized that wasn't going to work and put in 2 26watt CFLs in. I'm going to put in another one in a few days (i'm low on cash).
what kind of lights did you use?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Dont waste the seeds, no harassment intended.
You just wasted 3 seeds.
Its alright for your first grow but wasnt worth the time.
Their stretched to much to even look good.
Get 1 bulb per plant. Or just grow 1 plant at a time mate.
Hoped I Helped.

-Nice Ol' Bud

Legal Yooper

Well-Known Member
-Nice Ol' Bud is right but it was worth the time. I've seen plants that were streched more then that and they were transplanted by burying them almost all the way up the stem... untill about 1/2" below the first set of leaves... Sure they didnt grow to their potential but I learned form it... Do a a lil research with them :)
I had a feeling things weren't looking good!
these where all a test trial. I really want to grow some lowryders but I want to make sure I know a little more about growing before I spend the money on seeds.

what about the plant in the last picture? think I could save it?
+Reps all around, thanks Legal Yooper, Nice Ol Bud, and Mang44.

I decided to place an order for some lowryder #2 seeds this week. I'm not going to destroy these plants tho, after doing some research I'm convinced that they can be saved. Its going to be tough and the yields won't be substantial but at least my efforts will pay off.

has anyone had a successful grow using only CFLs?


Yeah man, I have. I used cfls for a couple weeks. I'm now using a 6500k 400w mh bulb, well worth it... just gets really hot so I have to have a big fan blowing over plants and keep it a foot up. My favorite plant is like, under 2 weeks old, 2 inches from dirt to top of leafs, and has two big maryjane leafs, single set, baby ones :p more developing. CFLs are actually great because you can put them so close. I recommend getting some y-adapters that screw into light bulb sockets and provide 2 sockets instead. Have the bulbs spread on whatever lightbulb mounts you will use 1-2in. away from leaves 50w/sq ft. Have a fan going so they don't burn though!

You could, maybe, get a surge protector. Then get some lightbulb plug in adapters (3). Then 3 dual-socket lightbulb adapters. 6 26w bulbs is super cheap.. like, my walmart sells a pack of 2 26w 6400k (for veg) for $5. The 2700k are $1 ea! if you glue that surge protector to a super shiny good shaped turkey pan, that will act as a reflector!

Overall the entire thing without bulbs would probably be like $30. But thats a good 156w of cfl for vegging (very good with aluminum reflector, and cfl's can be close with a fan like I said) say, 4 plants well, starting the flowering, killing the males, and completing 2 females under it :D. Some lamps lower down (to penetrate lower, cfl's will only light so far, the same goes to hps but they still penetrate 2-3ft canopy) and mylar on the wall will greatly benefit you as well. Just try to aim for 100w per plant.. I'm probably doing 4 under 400w of hps!
thanks a lot Mang44!!! I'm working on a new growing environment with your advice in mind. I just got some new seeds that I plan to make into beautiful plants!