First Grow - Bagseed [CFL/LED]


Hello everyone :D

Recently started to grow some really dank bagseed, looking for some experienced insight :)

Using Scott's Soil.. not MG :P
My set up is for 2 plants.

I have 2 23W CFLs

and a couple of red/blue LED lights.

Not really positive on how much to water, so I just give each plant 1tbsp of water like twice a day. The lights stay on 24/7, heat isn't an issue or anything.

This is the best of the two, but the bottom set of leaves are fading yellow in the middle..

The crusty brown part on the opposite side is where the seed never let go, so I had to help it out :[

All criticism appreciated!

Edit: Never made use of the tin foil, read it was bad anyways. Think I should made a paper white barrier around my plants for max lighting?


Well-Known Member
hey dude, nice looking plants, 1tbsp every two days is like absolutly nothing, what i would do is have it dry out pick them up and try and remember how heavy they feel.turn your sink tap on, find a good temp (not to cold but not warm neither) dont wanna shock ur plants, and then put the pot under the tap and have the water run through , soak up all the soil and let your pots drain for about 15 minutes, then put them back under the lights and wait till the entire pot feels as light as a feather again . should be 1-4 days , depends on ur size pots and all that. for ur surroundings, paper would work just fine if u cant afford mylar ( great reflective material ) or white paint will work great too. whats the size of ur box, i grew 2 plants in a box 24inches in height, 20 inches in length and 14 inches in width, got just under 2 oz's dry ( my first grow) i also use 2, 42 watt cfls and 2 , 26 watt cfls. you should be able to pull something of with ur lights :) also for ur leaves, yellowing would most likely be nitrogen defficency , try to find some nutrients for vegging that are high in N. ur local grow shop should have everything u need. also, for maximum potential , u can get a cup of water sugar and yeast ( 1 cup water, 1 tsp yeast, 4 tbsp sugar ) this will create co2 of ur grow space, :) water makes the yeast active, the yeast eats the sugar, than the yeast poops co2 ) !!! enjoy :) ill stay tuned on ur journal ! i just started a new one too :) lemme know if your interested in following and ill post a link ! happy growing brother


Well-Known Member
also, make sure u keep ur box well ventilated, u can get a little 10 dollar hydrometer at a local home hardware.. measures room humidity and temp.. i liked to keep my humidity around 40-50% during veg, and around 40% during flower, also around 70-90f during veg( depend on what ur growing) and around 70-80f during flowering ( depending on straing again) i use small pc case fans wired to old phone chargers that i can plug directly in to the wall ( 2 intake , 1 exhaust ) . very easy to do just watch a youtube vid or something if ur not to sure how. and im not sure on soils that much, but it looks like u have no perlite at all in there. i use something called promix. it worked wonders for me plus u can add whatever nutes u want :) keep it in mind for when u decide to transplant ! :) im sure others will have some soil advice for you too as im still kinda new.


Ah thanks for the reply :)

Awesome recipe! When should I start using it and how often?

I'm growing in a 'box' inside of an entertainment center, 1ft tall (just for seedling phase) then moving it up a level where it can get 3 ft tall, 1.5 ft wide (per plant).
In the picture, the two 2 19w CFL (thought they were higher, sorry :P) are in the corner and a red/blue LED bulb is inside of the black lamp

That LED bulb is 7.5w, is that worth anything for the operation? :P

I will definitely be buying Perlite. Also do share your grow, I am interested in set ups :D


Also I planted these January 27th I think, are they at an appropriate height and when will they be ready for flowering?


Well-Known Member
hey dude, no prob for reply, the 2, 19 watt bulbs will do for now, u can increase your lighting if u want, its also ur experiment so you could see how minimal lighting u need to actually grow something. the 7.5 watt bulb i would scratch.. its not a cfl and is probably costing u a few bucks to run. secondly , u can flower at any time, if u wanna keep those ladies small, flower at around 21 days, therefore theyve got a good root system and all that, just make sure u transplant and do all your topping before you flick them in to flowering. appropriate height if there really was one, could be anywhere from 4 inches to 24 inches :) dude heres my journal that i just completed , check it start to finish (its not that big ) also i got another one just started germinating yesterday stay tuned on this one, + its got final result from my previous grow :) enjoy buddy.


Figured the LED wouldn't work, so I haven't even tried it =P

I plan on buying a 42W CFL to go along with the others, should definitely do the trick for now. And alright awesome, I read that high nitrogen levels can help assure a female plant? Also interrupting the night cycle with an hour of light? Confirm? :P


Also for CO2, could I just mix vinegar and baking soda? Apparently the gas is released during the fizz, and it's heavier than air so you can literally pour it out or something ;p


Well-Known Member
Figured the LED wouldn't work, so I haven't even tried it =P

I plan on buying a 42W CFL to go along with the others, should definitely do the trick for now. And alright awesome, I read that high nitrogen levels can help assure a female plant? Also interrupting the night cycle with an hour of light? Confirm? :P
a 42 watt will keep u well on ur way, u may end up adding another bulb or 2 on top :) it get addictive... and nothing can assure a female plant , and NEVER EVER EVER EVER interrupt the night cycle (or dark period) this can make ur plant a hermi and ull be growing buds with seeds all over the plant. do anything u need to do to the plant during lights on, and perf as soon as they come on (earlier the better) and im not certain on baking soda and vinegar , im sure it would work but thats gotta smell terrible... the yeast just makes it kinda smell like bread . which didnt bother me at all !


My dad's plants (a few days ahead of mine), I think the one on the left is a Sativa and the one on the right is an Indica :).

Could I use this 14W blue cfl for vegging? Along with the other two 19W CFLs?


Well-Known Member
im sure that cfl will do something haha might as well pop it on, and im not sure if your able to tell so soon, indica has those wide flat leaves, sativa is more skinny pointy leaves :)


Well-Known Member
hmm, how is the air ? do you have ventilation... it looks like it needs some nitrogen brother


Same thing was happening to my plants. My soil was almost identical to yours and it is what turned out to be the problem. I was recommended changing my soil so i went out the next day and and picked up some Miracle Grow moisture control and they have just completely recovered and exploded with growth. Most recommend not using MG but it is a good beginner soil i would say. First soil i have really used and seems to be doing great. check out my first day pictures then my most current.


Well-Known Member
yea soil could be an issue i told him before but they seemed to be okay at first , its gunna be hard to transplant with no root system, i suggest u be very careful. if possible avoid MG , it works and its okay , but theres much better stuff for around the same price. im telling you if you can find some promix. u get almost a 2ft by 2ft cube of soil, for 30 bucks :) its called PROMIX google that shit. fucking works wonders brothers, peace good luck ill keep tuned


Active Member
Also for CO2, could I just mix vinegar and baking soda? Apparently the gas is released during the fizz, and it's heavier than air so you can literally pour it out or something ;p
I've done nothing but ask questions since I've joined but thought I might chime in with the home made CO2 devices I read about here. I am a total noob so take this with a grain of salt please.

I made a CO2 device with a big empty plastic juice container filled with yeast and sugar and water and something that I think is called a bubble lock. Got the little plastic bubble lock thing for $1 at a home brew shop. Was very easy to make and can see bubbling going on in the bubble lock so I assumed it was working.

This guide here looks similar to the one I followed for making it:

I have since ditched it and bought one of the mushroom bags ($20) that supposedly generates a good amount of CO2. Good luck.
Some quick tips: On a first run Go get some Ocean Forrest Soil and put it in some Smart-Pots. Invest in a simple, x2-part nutrient line. Dont worry about C02 at this point as baking-soda&vinigar won't create enough C02 to make a difference. (If you still want to mess with C02 check out "Exhale C02" bags.) Grab a $8 sunleaves PH test kit so you can keep your waters PH around 6'ish. Hygrometers are like $10 at homedepot or walmart.

What I think is happening with your plants is that your Scotts soil doesn't have any nutrients or amendments to keep your plants (NPK) ratios at a healthy level, thus, they are not happy. Hell, a quick top-dress of worm castings will replenish your Nitrogen and as soon as they come back to health with at least x4 nodes, transplant them into better soil. Used coffee grounds can also give you (N) but be careful not to use to much!

Hope this helps man

NOTE: This is just my humble opinion based on personal experience and plenty of research.
That is all.



Thank you for all the advice :) I will try to get to it this weekend! I think my main issue is ventilation and watering.

I just have one fan blowing diagonally into the box for intake and exhaust, if that makes any sense. Haven't had ANY money until my income tax came in.

Edit - as far as watering goes, should I just drench it one good time, and then after it gets dry and crusty, redrench? a routine would be nice, I'm just pouring 1-2tbsp around the main stem twice a day.


Well-Known Member
this is not 100% people have very succesful grows with MG, second the yeast sugar and water i explained to him with exact measurements and it works wonders if your on a serious budget ,and sometimes soil like ocean forrest and stuff is expensive for beginners brotha. brandon, ur main issue is probably those 2 + your soil, i gaurantee your soil has something to do with it. like i said you aint got perlite in there AT ALL. and dude...remember i told u 1tbsp... is nothing at all for a plant... try using around 250 ml ,, water it over your sink SOAK THE ENTIRE THING!!! then, when it feels light as a feather again, or if ur second knuckle is still dry when u put ur finger in the soil. watter it. this is ur best bet for techniques... as i mentioned you cannot over water if you have proper drainnage!!! please !!