First Grow (bagseed) - cfls. PICSS


Active Member
Hey guys i've wanted to do this for a while nd i finally got the money together so im givin it a try, hopefully everything turns out alright.

k so this is what i got goin on. im only hookin up three lights for a little while, prolly just for the seedling stage, because i only have one lamp right now.

7 cups, a germinated seed in each, with miracle grow potting soil.
3 27 watt daylight cfls
watering daily

heres some pics of of my setup, srry the pics are a little blurry, took em with my phone.
Comments welcome.

DAY 2.


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Active Member

k so this is the 3rd day, and im a lil worried about one thing. the sprouts seem to be growing just fine so far, but im a lil worried that they're growing too fast. ive seen some other pics of other people's sprouts, nd they're leaves seem to start growing right after popping out of the soil.

my leaves are growing, but the stems seem a little too high.



Well-Known Member
with cfls try to move the lights at least 2" away from the plants... mine im useing a 70Watt hps n i still got stretch. might jus b normal.


Active Member
yeah i think it might be normal too, because i have the lights a little less than 2 inches away from the plants, and they seem to be doing just fine now. pretty sturdy stems, and all 3 of my plants have started to grow their second pair of leaves.

here are some pics of my 3 lovelys. :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Nice lil setup buddy. I like, what is that a lil cubby you got them in or what? Looks cool on the pics. What kinda strains you got goin on, or is it bagseed? All mine are bag seed and about three weeks old, and one is 7 weeks old, and one is 8 days old. Check my grow journal, you not far behind, lets keep tabs. Hit me up. Chuuuurch!


Active Member
im using bagseed (like it says in the title lol), and i just got em in some cups that're cut down to size. miracle grow potting soil, couple lights, thats about it lol. im prolly gonna transplant them into gallon pots when they reach like 2 weeks. i'll take a look at ur grow too bro.



Active Member
hey guys, sorry havent posted in a while. been busy. alots happened in a month. the seedlings did alright and then most of them died. except fer one. i took that one, transplanted it into a large pot, and i've had the plant growing outdoors in my backyard. its in a nice sunny spot that gets sun just about all times of the day. the plant seems to be growing perfect, nice big green leaves, nicee sturdy stem, and it seems to be growing really fast, for only about a month and a half. maybe less.

one thing im trying to figure out though, is the sex of the plant. im wondering if the littles leaves that grow out of the stems, are pistons and thats where the buds are gonna grow from. heres a pic below, to show what im talking about.

comments are welcome guys.


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