First Grow, Bagseed, on a Budget


Active Member
Thanks for all the comments!!

@Captain Canabis - Wally world is where it's at! And I would highly recommend a transplant. As long as you aren't too late into flowering it can do nothing but good for your harvest.

As far as the foxfarm nutes go, a friend is lending me his. I know he got them from a hydro store and I remember him saying that they only cost $20 something for the 3-pack. Sorry I can't be of more help man. I'm sure there a lot of places you could order it from online...I just haven't had a chance to look.

I'm exactly 14 days into flower as of today. I really don't have a timeline for flowering since I don't have any idea what genetics this plant has. I could end up with a somewhat early harvest since I vegged this plant for so long and gave it 18/6 light. This meant that my pre-flowers were very pronounced, it was covered in pistols, when I converted to 12/12 and flowering started almost immediately. If you convert from 24 hours of light straight to 12/12 I know that sometimes it can take over a week for even the pistols to start popping out. I imagine this plant has at least four more weeks left. Possibly six more weeks. I'm just going to wait until most of the calyxs have started to swell and the trichs are milky white.

At some point, before this plant is chopped down, I will have to borrow a better camera so that you all can see what I see. Some of these buds already look GORGEOUS!! The surrounding leaves look like they've been sprinkled with powdered sugar!! And the smell is slowly creeping in too!! I tried some different lighting techniques, but a shitty camera phone is till a shitty camera phone :?

From now on I don't think I really need to add a caption for every pic, so I'll just start uploading in bulk. The two bagseed plants and the three power skunks are looking great too. Very steady, healthy growth from all five!

Here's the crop!!!......

