I was wondering the same thing. Is it better to keep a mother and pull clones off it or clone clones?
I personally don't think cloning a plant can degrade its Genetics.
Here is why: A plant's
physiology is the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions. A plants Physiology is deteremined directly by its genetics. So based on genetic code the plants physiology is fixed (like THC yield, disease reistance etc). Once a living organism is born/grown etc external factors (like stress, old age, lack of light etc, taking clones) can't degrade genetics. Those external factors impact its Morphology (read below), not Physiology. The only way to degrade genetics is to in-breed an organism.
If you start with 2 individuals with largely varying genetic pool and breed them the offspring from the 2 individuals gets its own genetic pool derived from the parents. It doesn't have any uique DNA other then what its parents have. Breed that individual with one of the parents and the genetic variation gets diminished slightly. Continue to breed with the same pool of genetics and it gets stretched and will eventually degrade after say 100 generations of in-breeding.
In contrast to Physiology is
Morphology. The term morphology in biology refers to the outward appearance (shape, structure, color, pattern) of an organism. These factors are determined by the environment. Light, wind, heat etc..Cloning the same plant and forcing it to live in 24/0 lighting for more then its natural cycle is programmed for will have an impact on its morphology but not is physiology.
So taking a clone from a clone can't degrade genetics. The only harm I see is taking clones from the same mother for an extended period of time, say a year. The motehr will soon start to produce weak growth (from which you are cloning) and the clones may be stretched or weak. That is why I decided to take clones from the mother at 2 months old. Flower that mother and then use the clones to take new clones. Flower the "clone mothers" after having taken clones from them etc...That way you never have clones from a mother that is over 2 months old. You'll always have new healthy exact genetic replicas of their great great great grandmothers