First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
Good and bad news... I found out today (I talked to the apt. ppl) I have till then end of April instead of the start. So that gives me another month of flowering... So hopefully I can get some danky mc dank in that time. Just got home from work and gave my babies a pep talk... I just wanna have as minimum stress as possible so I dont have the females I do go hermie... And I'm stressing on how to go about light locking this closet, cause obviously our last idea didnt work :(... They plants look better now than they did, seems they kinda corrected themselves over time... Ill have to force fix whats left to fix like you guys suggested... I know she didnt mean to do it, were fine, I'm fine (well somewhat fine)... I never knew I could get so attached to a fuccin plant. But I am. It's kinda weirding me out... I really appreciate everyone for guiding me through the hard times... Hopefully I can figure this shit out and show you a semi good harvest... I really appreciate... r:peace:u


Well-Known Member
Right on!

As for those pesky light leaks...
You can get a box of quality black
trash bags. The big ones. Some duct
tape and them make a giant black plastic
quilt with the bags and the tape. Then from
the inside of your closet, not the outside, fix
your new cloak of despair(trash bag quilt) from
ceiling to floor so that your sliding doors still work
but when you open them you will have to move
the plastic to the side. Like giant plastic curtains.

This will also help you RH to become more stable
as well. But if you do this, your entire environmental
conditions could shift so watch everything for the
first few days. Good luck, and by my count you
will have already harvested before the end of April.
Chance favors you on this one.


Well-Known Member
ur the man dude!..where is the light leaking out?!? like in the corners or somthing?!? duct tape works for everything! IF U CAN'T DUCT IT,FUCK IT! u see any form of bud will be day 7 flowering for my babys and i still dont really see much besides some pistols and the plants r getting huuuuugh!


Well-Known Member
yeah still trying to figure out the best way of sealing it up... its came to be the hardest task so far. everything Ive tried so far has failed in some area. The plants look good... I think one of my females may have turned male or hermie... a couple males seem to be getting some giant nuts so I'm not sure how much longer to keep them in there. My g/f's friend jacked her camera back so I wont have pic updates for a bit, but oh well... there seems to be some whitish residue forming on some of the leaves... Thinking it might be something to do with nutes... its not to intense yet though... the 4 females I have are looking good... more and more pistils by the day... but no gnome no buds yet, probably in about a week or so... after I chop out the daddys ill hit up some good quality pics... might have some tiny nugglets in that time :D... wish me luck homies! r:peace:u


Well-Known Member
If you know you have males, pull them now...why waste time and energy on something your just gonna toss? Besides, you'll have more room for the rest of the girls and won't have to waste water and nutrients on them anymore.


Well-Known Member
Ok... Then I see at least a couple definite males... Ill chop them up tomorrow then while my g/f is at work... anything I could do useful wise out of them? like anything to practice with or anything? Figure Ill rip one out of the pot nicely so I can take a look at the root system :D... this is going to be so sad.


Well-Known Member
Yea, if you have grow space, and you can keep them far away from the females, you can make some excellent hash with the males!


Well-Known Member
ok so I ended up with 4 females and 6 males... I took the 6 males out of my grow room and their just sitting next to my comp desk staring at me saying "dont kill me" lol... there so big a pretty, this is gunna be hard lol... I'm going to wait for my girl to get home from work then commence the chopping... got some black trash bags for them and just going to toss in the dumpster I guess... Is it a bad Idea to throw it in the dumpster at my appartment? doubt that anybody is going to go through the trash. Anywho... the 4 females in there have much more room now... pistils coming off of each one. So if there is anything I should do with these males (hash, anything that will get me ready for when I chop my females, etc.) I'm going to pull a couple out just to see their root system.


Well-Known Member
I remember having a hard time parting with my male plants. Everything looks really good, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
No actually there are some GREAT write ups on here on how to make some grade A hash with male plants. Ill find em.....


Well-Known Member
If anyone can think of any good ideas on how to seal the closet and still make it accesable please shoot them my way. thanks!


Well-Known Member
WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?!?!? lol jk man... thanks for stopping by, dont be a stranger :D.... I'm planning on flushing either tomorrow or the day after... then its bloom nutes from there on out... Sealing the closet is a freaking pain... me and my g/f get it sealed... but the light comes on at 8 in the morning... and by the time I get off on my lunch break to come check things out... since its all sealed up... the rh sky rockets to like 80% (which is higher than it should be, especially during flowering stage if im correct) and the temps raise in there as well, since its completely sealed shut... Im really struggling on what to do about this... anywho I was just ranting so thanks everyone and hit me up... this is day 6 of flowering!