First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
I bet you will get 6 ounces no problem!! I am guessing closer to eight! Great yield on that bag seed bro. Next time go for some nice genetics and blaze on! Congrates!


Well-Known Member
I bet you will get 6 ounces no problem!! I am guessing closer to eight! Great yield on that bag seed bro. Next time go for some nice genetics and blaze on! Congrates!
ya im with you mattso101 once you have some good genes you will never go back lol. but it seems like you all ready have good genes ru8fru that bud is looking killer awsome job. cant wait to here what the finaly wiegth is.:peace:


Well-Known Member
haha thanks guys!!! means alot coming from both of you! 6-8 oz's eh? I would likely cry from happiness if I got that much. Yeah, I got myself some good genes now. I have to sit here and stare at 10 sweet purple and 5 original hazexskunk seeds. So ill be germinated all 15 for my next grow, any ideas or thoughts on either of those strains? Or know any tips about them? :D Hopefully the sweet purple will be even more purple that this one, which is funny because I really wanted purple bud, and one of my current plants changed for me :D, thats love.


Well-Known Member
some people say if you leave the plants in total darkness for the last 2 days before you plan to harvest will increase THC production....

no concrete evidence..

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
ru8fru make sure you dry and cure for a longtime!!! At least 10 to 14 days... dont lison to people with thare 3 day drying and 3 days cureing shit... You made it this long.. The longer you wait in the drying and cureing process the better to will be..I DRY AND CURE FOR 20 DAYS MYSELF da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
ru8fru make sure you dry and cure for a longtime!!! At least 10 to 14 days... dont lison to people with thare 3 day drying and 3 days cureing shit... You made it this long.. The longer you wait in the drying and cureing process the better to will be..I DRY AND CURE FOR 20 DAYS MYSELF da plantDOC
20 days is wild!!!...i wouldn't really go by days....once u start drying check the buds everyday for bud rot and bugs....once its dry enough that a branch snaps "when u bend it" and not just fold....then it is ready for cureing!...this is what i seen in a jeorge cerventas ultimate grow dvd...he def. knows his shit!


Active Member
Nice buds man, really impressive. Can you recall how the weed was from which the seeds came from. Would you call it the standard regs, or mids? I just started 3 bagseed with some WW and I love to see bagseed grows such as this. Mine are mystery weed, a friend of mine saves decent seeds he comes across and sent me a vial full of random bagseed. I picked what I thought looked like good, healthy seeds but have no clue what to expect. I can only hope mine turn out similar to yours.


Well-Known Member
haha wow loving the replies guys!!! yeah I accidently messed that branch up earlier so I have a decent idea on how long its going to take to dry, plus from the 12th to the 18th (chopping on the 18th) Im not giving them any water. So when people generally say 9-15 days, I will already have a bit of a head start, Im assuming that it will take around 4-7 days to dry then its off to the mason jars.

King wats ur address homie? lmao!

Jordann, I doubt ill do that, since im really not sure on the effects, and like you said there is no real evidence that it makes a difference.

Super, it's tough to remember to be honest with you, it was a couple different bags of weed. one wasnt so good and the other bag was really bomb, but it you get bags of weed with seeds in them, doesnt that mean it has to be a hermie initially? Which would give off different phenos if im not mistaken? But... ill tell you one thing, none of the bud I got the seeds from was ever purple, so I really cant explain that one that turning ;) but no complaints here!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
ru8fru i hade ww turn purpel... b-cuz if your night temps drop thay start to chang that purpleis... Its kinda like out side when the leaves start to changing in the fall triggerd by cool night temps thats what mite be happing to you so is it droping at night in you growroom....good luck da plantDOC


Active Member
Isn't it amazing how some TLC can turn average bud into awesome bud. I don't think just because the weed has seeds that means it was a hermie. May have just been pollinated by a male. Although, from what I hear bagseed are unstable and have been known to herm easier than quality strains. Keep up the good work bro. :blsmoke:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
ru8fru well you are useing bagseed so thar is a posabilaty that some whare down the line tharer was a purple gen some whare...well you wanted purple... so see what can happen if you want something bad..



Well-Known Member
haha thanks guys! yeah, just think a week from now Ill be chopping down my ladies? CRAZY! Tomorrow I will be pulling them out for one last flush, I will be taking loads of pics, will also be taking trich pics so be on the lookout for that, it will be my last update b4 the harvest, so If you want to know anything about the plants currently, like height, or I dunno anything, let me know!


Well-Known Member
sure address is 123 fake st. hahaha i wish the whole RIU community could send each other bud samples haha. i think if your RIU member you should get a pardon from the government for the "Proper Testing of Cannbis Act"

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
ru8fru i cant stress anuf about your drying @ cureing... The most novist mistake beginners make is harvesting to soon or not drying long anuf... well you did a A+ JOB for your first grow so congrads on a very very good job i think you did and you will do everything right... so for now.....
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man, I appreciate it. Excited to hit you guys up wit harvest pics, should be quite a fun weekend.