First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!


Well-Known Member
Really? I thought it was ok to foilar feed nutes as long as it wasnt full str. my and the lady are taking them out soon for some pics... anything specific you want me to take shots of?


Well-Known Member
Alright well here is the pics as promised... Hopefully you can see improvement from my last set. Let me know if you see anything wrong, or ideas to make things better. Probably 4-6 weeks from harvest id say... Thoughts? Suggestions?

Group shot!!!



Well-Known Member
thanks jsgrwn... appreciate it, ill do my best to wait :D... and king you should try and snap some shots :D


Well-Known Member
Really? I thought it was ok to foilar feed nutes as long as it wasnt full str. my and the lady are taking them out soon for some pics... anything specific you want me to take shots of?
maybe in veg...maybe. but I wouldnt spray any nutes on the buds during flowering for fear of a foul taste and poor burning qualities.

I wanna see some shots of the stems, like at the bases. and maybe something for size reference?



Well-Known Member
No foilar feeding during flower! You can very easily cause mold issues! And the previous post about nasty taste, true! You should never spray anything on flowers. By the way, WOW! You are doing well young growdi (jedi). Keep it up, be patient, and show the girls a lot of love...they will love you back.


Well-Known Member
youll be tokin sum piff in no time doggy...take a extra big toke for me and my grow..the favor will be returned in a bit...good plants are doin pretty great..1 is movin real slow though..anyway keep it up and hit me up!!


Well-Known Member
haha thanks guys... Yeah I havent foliar fed them yet, and I figure I wont... Im watering either today or tomorrow. I will pull them out before I do and snap some shots of the stalks and some zoomed out shots with something for size reference.


Well-Known Member
if your are going to foiler feed make shore the lights are off. and spraying your plants will cause the plant to make less crystals.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Ive heard it from both sides so im pretty unsure as of now... but I figure id rather be safe then sorry and not spray them... going to soil feed today in about an hour.


Well-Known Member
Here is just a couple pics... Tried to get some where you could see the whole plant... and something to give you an idea on size. Just watered all four of them... Lemme know your thoughts!
