First grow barneys lsd bit of advice needed got a pic also


A friend of mine has a grow in his garage but no internet access and would like me to seek some advice here, its his first grow but he knows what hes doing to a certain extent.
He went for the coco choice of medium using canna coco in pots and he has being hand watering
The issue is his strongest plant which is three weeks old from seed or just over 3weeks became routbound in a 7.5 litre pot its under a 400watt hps which i believe is full spectrum or has some blue or whatever the crack is it can be used for both veg and flowering its sort of a budget kit but decent quality
the plant was transplanted into a new pot which is 10litre plus maybe 11/12 if they do them, the queries are this.

Will the newer tub be big enough to go through flowering or should she be transplanted again

when should he induce flowering if shes 12 inches and doesnt want to be transplanting numerous times with the roots going crazy

is this the normal growth rate for it to be 12 inches after 3 weeks from seed? and rootbound in the 7.5 litre pot the roots where coming up the top out the bottom and wrapped around the pot but has had nearly none to very little stunted growth since the transplant it has really flourished.

The coco has not being allowed to go dry throughout though he waters when the majority of the top is quite dry as when he squeezes the coco just under the surface layer it is still very moist is this the correct method to hand water coco?

This pic shows the issue plant (the largest one) on 28 november so was just over 2weeks old maybe 2weeks and 2days max though she is alot bigger than that now loads more nodes up to 9bladed leaves now also

any advice from an experienced grower would be much appreciated.thank you!

and any tips on growing barneys lsd would be extremely appreciated thank you i will be smoking this grade so im very passionate about his grow and finally having something nice to toke as opposed to the shit bushweed we get round here :)


Well-Known Member
3 weeks from seed and root bound bruv aint gonna happen imo !! Ive grew 3ft bushes from start to finish 11 weeks in total and neva had probs and in veg you want a dry wet dry wet cycle so your roots branch out and develop a mass of roots in search of food and water and keeping it wet in veg imo is not needed in flower yeah its all good and is advisable not to let your cocco dry out!!


New Member
^^^I agree^^^ a plant didnt get rootbound in a near 2 gal pot in just 3 weeks from seed. And LSD continues to grow well into flower so at 12 inches and a 400 I would be flowering now........


Well-Known Member
Ok I was going to talk a lot of shit until I googled how many gallons 7.5 liters was (2us gallons...7.5 liters sounded more than 5 gallons until I actually thought about it and talked it over with google). Sounds like your friend only has one plant underneath this light as well. What your going to want to do is transplant to a container that is at least 19 liters. AKA a 5 gallon bucket because it sounds like you are on a budget. Go to The Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, The corner of your creepy garage(make sure to rinse this out first), or anywhere else you can think of. Make sure you drill holes on the bottom so the water can drain out as well.

Out of curiosity please tell me you are not from the US because the fact you used liters is hilarious if you are from the Us.


Well-Known Member
its not rootbound but its probably time to transplant. We need more details to give great advice.

How many plants are underneath this light? Is it one like I am assuming?

I still think that a 2 gallon pot is pretty small for one plant underneath a 400 watt if he plants to veg any further than this point.

Someone I know would supercrop the shit out of it(snap snap snap), and then they would hit it with some of those magical transition nutes (OWWW some of those???), and then they'd prolly let it veg for another week in the new 5 gallon bucket....Then They would switch that bia into 12/12/ ForTheWin.

So you think that its a good idea to veg for longer than 3/4 weeks if you plan on keeping it in a 2 gallon pot? Cuz thats WRONG!!! You need at least a gallon per month IMO that you want to keep it alive inside(dont get me started on outdoor).



Well-Known Member
I do not think the plant is rootbound...I think his friend has just started to see roots coming out of the bottom...Let me make that clear.
I also think that this person should never put a clone or seed in this big of a container. Someone I respect very well...AKA TGASUBCOOL starts his off in one gallons pots. I think this is too big for most indoor growers, but he has a lot of space. Personally I prefer big red cups. Once they have a nice rootbase...Then I transplant. Thats too late to do now though, so go with the flow.

bub kush

it cud not be rootbound in 3weeks from seed y do u say that. if its rootbound now transplant it into over 11litre pot if u can and flower it pal der u go wat mls per litre of water u useing are u ph and ec meters pictures come prepared wit everything


Ok fuck knows how to add pictures like but this is the latest and ive added links to pictures instead
theres two lsd from seed were planted 11.11.11 flowered on 11.12.11 and then theres a bag seed and vanilla kush flowered from seed about 11.12.11 not sure would have to check the records
these pics taken from about hmmm 5 weeks 5days there now about 6 weeks three days colas looking fatter to say the least
we got this mad girl anna we call her
initially had a massive thick stem was bushy as hell and bigger than mary(other lsd) but its just got crazy it was flowered at like 12-14 inch cant remember but its now 6week in flower 42inch or so and didnt stop stretching not sure if it has yet the flowers are really thin in comparison to the other its dodgy as hell lol think it is extremely bushy in the pic has been trimmed alot now just with it being first time grow so many people say its stressfull to cut leaves so out of paranoia i thought hermies is the last thing i want wait till they are really strong and can take it. not the best pic but whats available.
then we got the bagseed flower from seed here
what you think of her anything comments would be interesting to be honest she seems the most resinous lol she might just be further ahead in flowering obv unknown flowering time but she looking nice didnt know what to expect with flowering from seed AND a bagseed so im happy with that
then we got the pride and joy mary ..

Looks COMPLETELY diffrent to old anna there and just fattening by the day not the best pictures taken on an ipod but thats her

any good for 1st grow? (budget to say the least desktop fan on top of boxers etc torn sheeting somewhat a shambles)
pot shot at yield? i know it would be very innaccurate but as a 1st grower i dont have a clue and would be happy with anything

also got a vanilla kush i mentioned flowered from seed just bigger than bag seed and fatter very nice little cola

just yeah enjoying the growing thought id share no room for smarmy twats here "does it sound like hes got any of those stuff" fuck off i test ph thats it lol will get ec meter when ive got the cash i aint rich bro budgets the key word here


Active Member
I love that couch dude. Its halarious. It reminds me of something you'd see in a cartoon, i feel like having a couch like that in my house would make me feel much more animated and if i were tripping..god knows what world id be in @___@ you need to tell me where you got that dude. like srs. I generally consider myself a couch master, its a lost art. I have over 60, none such as that one. Major props and +rep for that couch.