First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member
Hi... I have been reading RIU forums for sometime and this will be my girst grow.


  • [*]Big Buddha Blue Cheese Feminized
    [*]CH9 Aroma Feminized​

Growing Medium:

  • [*]jiffy for germinating and first stage (estimated 1 week)
    [*]Torf a.k.a. peatmoss​


  • [*]250 Metal Halide Lamp for veg stage​
    [*]250W OSRAM HPS for Flowering Stage​


  • [*]No fertilizer for vegging since everything needed is already in peat
    [*]Worm Castings for Flowering (just this would be enough???)​


  • [*]2 14 L. pots,
    [*]organic pesticide (just incase),
    [*]soil ph/light/hygrometer,
    [*]digital thermometer/hygrometer,
    [*]30x Hand microscope​
I put the seeds in jiffies yesterday (Oct. 14). Today, I checked and felt the top was kinda dry so added a bit of spring water. When I checked the seeds CH9 Aroma was cracked and the other one was about to crack.

I want this first grow to be organic. I welcome any suggestions and comments.


Active Member
When I checked this morning (Oct 16) I saw the seeds were completely germinated. Added a bit water to preserve moisture of the jiffies. Nothing to take picture but well... I read somewhere that one should never let the top part of jiffy become dry during germinating and rooting so that's why I keep adding spring water but not much...



Active Member
When I start using MH lamp I am thinking of putting in air purifier/ionizer. Since it has fan I guess it would work as humidifier and fan. When I use it I see the relative humidity in the room goes from 50% to 70-75%. I guess we will see how well it would be... I am using my study room for grow.


Active Member
D A Y 2

Well, my babies are growing up nicely. They are both about to shed their shells. I see li'l green :). Aroma was a li'l behind but today when I checked I saw both are almost same height :)

Till I post some pics I am leaving you with some tunes I like :)

[youtube]<object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Active Member
D A Y 3

They are coming along nicely I think. Jiffies were kinda dry so I gave them some spring water. They are under 2 23 W CFL 24/0 schedule. Today I am gonna change it to 20/4 schedule for 8 days and start using 250 W MH. Next week it will be 18/6 for 10 days, after that I am planning to go for 16/8 light schedule until 35th day. After that 12/12 and HPS lamp instead of MH.

I welcome any comments and suggestions, so don't be shy :eyesmoke:



Active Member
D A Y 4

Yesterday I put them under 250 W MH lamp and gave water to jiffies. When I checked today jiffies were kinda dry so gave a bit water and pot them in 14 litre pots filled with peatmoss since I saw their root coming from the bottom of the jiffies. I watered them, checked the pH and humidity level with apparatus; pH was 7 and it showed moist which is good I guess. Well here are some better quality pictures. Notice CH9 Aroma's leaves are way smaller than BB Blue Cheese's?



Active Member
Hmm, I checked the instructions on the packaging and it says it could be used as standalone product, no mixing is necessary. However, thanks for heads-up, I will be checking and probably I would buy some perlite.


Well-Known Member
Don't believe everything you read man you should know that
You def have to take out the seedling before it roots in there
This can really fuck your grow up if you don't add perlite, you need drainage and aeration
Peat denses up and really gets hard when dried out
You want a soft loose soil even when it is dry


Active Member
ok, better be safe than sorry... so for 14 lt pots it should be 7 lt peat and 7 lt perlite right?


Well-Known Member
Yup I find that to be the best
I am using a 75/25 mix of peat and perlite and I am very mad that I didn't go with the 50/50 again
I was having much better results with the 50/50 mix


Active Member
Ok I mixed my peat with perlite and potted my babies again. Good thing you warned me... shows how much a noob I am :p


Well-Known Member
Ok I mixed my peat with perlite and potted my babies again. Good thing you warned me... shows how much a noob I am :p
Lol no worries man, I 'm glad you caught it before it was too late
Keep up the nice work and post some new pics when you get the chance :peace:


Active Member
Thanks for the info :) Yep it says the added organic nutes are good for only 3 weeks on the label. I am thinking of going for organic nutes and all. Organic stuff tastes better I guess. Well tomatoes are :).... Anyways, I have started thinking about going for less vegging since I have height constraints at my growth space. It says 30-35 days vegging at least on pick and mix seeds website but I wonder if the quality of what I will get would be as good if I go for less vegging. For me quality is more important than the quantity.

Well, this is what I usually listen when I water my babies :)

[youtube]<object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>[/youtube]