First Grow BB Blue Cheese, CH9 Aroma (Organic)


Active Member
Good thread here MV, i myself have grown blue cheese but from barnys, its a fantastic smoke and flavour i hope you enjoy as much as me.

Dave iv been using bio grow myself for the last few grows and was happy wit results, i changed over from ionic. I can clearly see the results from you side by side but wot soil you using i like to use allmix to which i add worm castings and blood meal and i jus use bio grow and bloom as supplments as i like to keep it as organic as possible but still need those animo acids, i would also use topmax. Now i am gona try the foxfarm have been pondering it for some time you have just give me that final nudge to make the transition. CHEERZ for the info
I had to harvest early but man oh man high was so nice. Hmm aminoacids... I use humic acid-fulvic acid mix. I read it helps soil a lot by promoting beneficial bacteria reproduction. A friend of mine also told me Alg-A-mic and Topmax is not necessary as long as one uses humic-fulvic acid. Just my two cents :)


Well-Known Member
MV, did you ever get any nute burn when you started using Humic acid? I recently started using it on my second grow, and when using full strength nutes I would get just the slightest touch of nute burn at the tips. Just a touch of yellow. This didn't happen on my first grow, so Ive no doubt its doing its job. Ive since backed off to 75-80% when using it and no more burn.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Mj, like tomatoes can take up LOADS of fertilizers, as long as you gradually introduce them to it.
if it minorly burnt from a solution it would probably be able to take it fine next week.


Active Member
What is the Humic acid:Water ratio? I use 50 ml:5 lt. so it is 1:100 and I use it every other week. That's what the growshop guy recommended.


Well-Known Member
Mj, like tomatoes can take up LOADS of fertilizers, as long as you gradually introduce them to it.
if it minorly burnt from a solution it would probably be able to take it fine next week.
I should have mentioned the plants were getting full strength nutes before I started using Humic Acid. Now with the humic acid full strength is too much. One of the big benefits of humic acid is the increased CEC, so nutes are better retained in the medium, and you dont need to use as much.

What is the Humic acid:Water ratio? I use 50 ml:5 lt. so it is 1:100 and I use it every other week. That's what the growshop guy recommended.
I use GH Diamond Black. Its 6% Humic Acid. One tablespoon per watering are the directions.

BioAg has a Humic acid and Fulvic acid thats 55% humic and 12% fulvic. I bet I could use even less nutes with their product. Maybe Ill pick up some down the line and see how well it performs.


Active Member
I had to harvest early but man oh man high was so nice. Hmm aminoacids... I use humic acid-fulvic acid mix. I read it helps soil a lot by promoting beneficial bacteria reproduction. A friend of mine also told me Alg-A-mic and Topmax is not necessary as long as one uses humic-fulvic acid. Just my two cents :)
I am not saying that u need it, i know ppl who practicly grow weed with water and light wot i am saying is that topmax has animo acids in it that that stimulates cell growth during flowering. There are up to 20 or so animo acids in all living things so therefore supplimenting can only be a benefit.


Active Member
I am not saying that u need it, i know ppl who practicly grow weed with water and light wot i am saying is that topmax has animo acids in it that that stimulates cell growth during flowering. There are up to 20 or so animo acids in all living things so therefore supplimenting can only be a benefit.
I suppose all your doing is using a different product. I will have to give the humic fulvic ionic a go myself. Is that the product you use if not put me straight. Cheerz


Active Member
Mine says Organic Humic-Fulvic Acid on the label. You are right everyone has different ways.

Currently I am enjoying my Blue Cheese :bigjoint:

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yeah lol got my mate to post me some isolater from damkring coffee shop. ha ha 4 the experienced smoker i am also just getting used to this site. any of you been to amsterdam dats if u arent living there now. fuck me i am rambling


Active Member
Blue cheese is defo a favoured of my MV you one lucky bastard ive for weed i am smoking barneys nightshade at mo, still real nice but when it comes to flavour blue cheese is one of my favourites.


Active Member
Well I got the growth tent and built it. It is nice and that removable botom tray is a god idea seeing how my floor gets dirty :)


Active Member
Well, I haven't been updating much recently. I started 2 GreenHouse Super Lemon Haze, 1 Barney's Farm Honey B and 1 Nirvana Royal Flush. Pictures were taken last week. It has been 4 weeks or so since I don't remember when they sprouted :) First picture shows the 2 Super Lemon Haze. on the second picture, the one in the front is Honey B and the one at the back is Royal Flush.



Well-Known Member
Well, I haven't been updating much recently. I started 2 GreenHouse Super Lemon Haze, 1 Barney's Farm Honey B and 1 Nirvana Royal Flush. Pictures were taken last week. It has been 4 weeks or so since I don't remember when they sprouted :) First picture shows the 2 Super Lemon Haze. on the second picture, the one in the front is Honey B and the one at the back is Royal Flush.
lookin good mate slh is sum strong shit fairplay mate checkout my jungle in my sig if u get time:bigjoint: