First Grow - Blue Mystic Auto


Active Member
Hello all, just want to say thank you in advance to countless hours that i've already spent reading through what you all have done. As well as advice given to other people. There are so many ways to grow its overwhelming, but I hope im off to a decent start.

I purchased seeds from nirvana (blue mystic and low ryder) both fem autos. As well as the "grow kit"- germ kit, soiltabs, and flowertabs. Figured If I dont use them, oh well.

So I decided to germ 2 blue mystics, hoping one would be successful. One took a bit longer than the other but they both are on their way up. I have to say the germ kit is almost useless, it dries up fast. Next time the seeds are going straight into soil.

Currently using a 26w CFL for each, will upgrade when needed, and a small fan blowing across to keep the lights cool. For soil i read someone (forgot the name) say 3xpeat/1x verm/1x perm. So i did that and added recommended amount of lime to balance.

Im open to input on what I may be doing wrong but so far no problems. Suggestions?



Active Member
Well not sure if its from when i moved them into soil from the germ kit or what exactly. Both started to wilt a lot and i pulled them, they had no roots! hah so weird. If at first you dont succeed, plant new weed. Let a seed sink in a cup for a day and put it right into my pot. Looks much better and already clearly growing way faster (these must have roots)

This is day 7 from when i poked the seed in. Have it on a 20/4 and seems to like it.



Active Member
Alright well ill start off with an amazing way to germ your seeds.

grab 2 small plates, and 2 pieces of paper tower
fold the paper towel till it has 4 layers
make the paper tower nice and damp but not dripping or soaking wet
put the first piece on the plate
then put your seeds on the paper tower
put the other paper towel over it
and then the plate on top (bottom plate right side up top plate upside down to form a dome)
put it in a warm place and check every day or two to make sure the paper towel is still damp
i let my root pop out about 1.5 to 2cm or about 1 inch before i even put them into soil.
works for me! :eyesmoke:

The 26 watt cfl will keep the plant happy for the first week and a bit of growth, but it will start to stretch it soon after that and you'll need a little more light (which you already seem to know)
and 20/4 is good to give the seedling a little rest, personally i like 24hours on.

Plant looks good tho keep it up!:bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks for the tips! It sprouted fairly quick using the cup method, im not crazy about handling a seed with a root as im not very careful sometimes haha. Yah im thinking of adding my other 26w and going vertical soon. Right now the one has a reflector and seems fine. I still need to build/buy a cabinet in my closet for when it gets stanky.

Il post another pic this weekend. What do you recommend for local (hardware stores..etc) nutes?? I dont want to order anything online.


Active Member
So I was transplanting into a bigger pot, everything was going good (came out of old pot in one big plug). As I was setting it into the new pot it kind of collapsed. Not entirely but the majority of the bottom half. I hope it pulls through without a whole lot of shock lol. Im so bummed that happened.

Its growing kinda slow imo but this is my first so not sure. Fairly confident i just made it grow even slower. Also added a CFL.

Will my baby be okay?? hah



Active Member
Well even though no one is posting im doing this so i can compare my next grow, im not gona write in a notebook lol.

Day 14
2 leaves starting to get crispy tips? I did read plant problems but Im not even feeding it nutes yet. The soil might be kind of dry could that cause this? Should I try 1/8 dosage?

On a good note I took a detour which led my right past a grow store I never knew was there! Day=made



Well-Known Member
don't be discouraged by people not posting, though i woulda posted it in the grow journal section

that looks like nute burn. she's not old enough for any nutrients yet. needs at least another week yet to grow roots in neutral soil

otherwise you're off to a good start


Active Member
I didnt know where to post, there are grow threads everywhere lol. Im not using any nutes yet, just watering ever 2-3 days. Is it possible that its not getting enough nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
nope, not at this point

plants will turn a bright yellow from the bottom upwards if they are starving for nitrogen

just make sure you're not over watering. depending on the soil porosity and the pot it may take longer than 2-3 days to get dry

you should wait until the soil is just a bit less than moist. like, seems dry until you rub it between your fingers and feel moisture; that kind of dry


Active Member
okay, thanks for the info! Dumb question but if it looks dry when im overwatering, what might it looks like to not give enough? same? The top seems fine just those 2 bottom leaves.


Active Member
Anyone know whats going on with these leaves? They are pretty much dead. Should I cut them off or just them be. Opinions?? The new growth is healthy looking although slow. Starting to get little white hairs in a few different places, i tried to get a good pic with my phone. I feel dumb asking but is it already showing sex, or am i mistaking the hairs for something else?

Got a Root Organics master bundle with everything for $38.00!! (buddha grow, buddha bloom, hpk, hp2..etc) Seemed like a good deal.



Active Member

It definitely has gotten bigger, but still small. There are hairs everywhere im worried shes not gona produce much lol. All im growing this for is so I can smoke some good weed that I grew while I go on my kayak trip whenever its done haha. Anyone have one that started flowering this small? (looks to me like started flowering anyways) Its about 6-7." What do you think Im looking at I know its early. Im fine with a few grams if anything this has been a great experience so far.




Well-Known Member
Good looking grow, it appears you have a true Auto. I'm finishing a grow of this strain and did not have luck of getting true auto's. What is your light schedual?


Active Member
Well im closing in on choppin, watering with molasses water every day. I can naturally see amber trichs in some areas, and either way shes gota come down soon.

Anyone actually try the final 72hr darkness/cold water trick and has results? Just curious if no one says anything im just gona cut her when its time.

Pics in next post cuz my phone is spesh

Good looking grow, it appears you have a true Auto. I'm finishing a grow of this strain and did not have luck of getting true auto's. What is your light schedual?
Yea im amazed it auto'd with all the negative feedback about nirvana. Guess u gotta be lucky? Lights are on 19/5. Week 1 was 24/0, then at 18/6 for like 3 days. But they were off when i got home from work (bad calculation lol) so i just added an hr of light instead of resetting. So how long did yours veg?


Active Member
gah. took pics with my old phone cuz it had better camera, and couldnt figure out for the life of me where they went when i moved my sd card to my current phone haha. anyways

dont make fun of my leaves :p



Well-Known Member
I started mine out under 20/4 from seed, went that way till 7 weeks and had to force them to flower by switching to 12/12. They are 14 weeks old and 6 1/2 weeks into flowering should only have 2 more weeks to go.


Active Member
Looks good bud I like seeing your whole progress on them from seedlings to lovely ladies spittin buds everywhere. Keep it growin and best of luck.


Active Member
I started mine out under 20/4 from seed, went that way till 7 weeks and had to force them to flower by switching to 12/12. They are 14 weeks old and 6 1/2 weeks into flowering should only have 2 more weeks to go.
Wow thats an old auto lol. Maybe it was just too much light? Ive seen people using 24/7 but to me i still believe they need some rest. I bet that bitch is huge haha.

Looks good bud I like seeing your whole progress on them from seedlings to lovely ladies spittin buds everywhere. Keep it growin and best of luck.
Thanks eod, I did it mainly to compare to my next grow, as well as have some record cuz i go thru a lot of phones and lose pics :( .