First Grow Box is ok so far but need help with my new baby


Active Member
So my parents are moving out of town and are leaving behind some furniture the one i have my eyes on is a giant Armour(the thing you put your TVs in) which is already broken up into 2 almost 3 sections. Its almost 8 feet tall 4 feet wide and 2 feet deep. The top part where the TV goes has almost 6 feet of space this is where i plan to have the flower portion of the grow and place one 1000 HPS which should be plenty for that top are and maybe 2 - 4 plants. The bottom section where you would put you VCR, DVD, cable box, game system, blah. That has about 2 feet of space but is split in the middle. So its like a 2x2x2 box. I plane on putting a T5 light down there.

I dont have any pictures yet but i will post as i get more and more pieces.

First question is how do people feel about those lights i was going fancy with the flowering light and cheaper on the seedling / clone / veg light / hold a mother plant. Will the T5 be able to handle all that and would you leave the divider in the middle or cut that out for one big area. The reason being maybe mother on one side the rest on the other or maybe theirs no point in separating them and one bigger space down there would be better.

For ventilation i plane on using this vent fan and either attaching it to the top and sucking air through or should i put 2 holes on in top of flower chamber one near top of veg chamber and hook up 2 ducts. There is defiantly going to be a hole on the very top sucking air out to create flow and two fresh air vent holes near the bottom left and right sides and probably in the mid section. And i plan on have cpu fans through out just moving air i also have a small 12 in desk fan that can be used.

Also im ganna line the inside with panda paper cause its not super expensive and super easy to work with and reflects 95%.


Active Member
I actually found an old picture you can see where the TV is. Its on a little shelf which i could cut holes in so the 2 areas share air and the veg area is covered up by people and the doors are shut but you can get an idea of how its just smaller and would be great for seedlings and clones but not sure if enough room for a mom i plan on going over there tomorrow ill take better pictures and good ideas that could save me some headache would be much appreciated.



Staff member
do some digging around in stealth section there is a guy who rigged one of these up and did an entire grow


Active Member
I saw one that was a corner style and completely gutted but that was it ill have way more room to work with.


Well-Known Member
I actually found an old picture you can see where the TV is. Its on a little shelf which i could cut holes in so the 2 areas share air and the veg area is covered up by people and the doors are shut but you can get an idea of how its just smaller and would be great for seedlings and clones but not sure if enough room for a mom i plan on going over there tomorrow ill take better pictures and good ideas that could save me some headache would be much appreciated.

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seems like a solid plan man. The only thing I'd be worried about is the amount of noise from needed to have to run more than one fan to exhaust heat.